News 2024
Students from IIT Bombay and IIT Guwahati visit NIMS
2024.12.18 -
Eight master's course students from IIT Hyderabad visit NIMS
2024.12.18 -
NIMS Award Symposium 2024 Report
2024.12.12 -
3 NIMS researchers Selected as "Highly Cited Researchers 2024"
2024.11.26 -
RCMB signed a MOU with Nara Institute of Science and Technology
2024.10.30 -
NIMS signed ICGP and MOU with Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi)
2024.10.25 -
NIMS Creep Data Sheet Project Was Registered as MIRAI Technology Heritage
2024.09.12 -
International Cooperative Graduate Program (ICGP) Agreement concluded with The University of Newcastle, Australia
2024.09.06 -
Dr. Anne Hardy, the CIO of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain SA, France visited NIMS
2024.08.26 -
RCMB signed MOUs with Three Renowned Taiwanese Universities
Research Center for Macromolecules and Biomaterials(RCMB) signed Memorandums of Understanding with Three Taiwanese Universities
2024.07.24 -
NIMS signed MOU with CNRS, France
2024.07.18 -
NIMS signed MOU with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
2024.07.04 -
NIMS signed MOU with Argonne National Laboratory, USA
2024.06.13 -
NIMS signed MOU with Ames National Laboratory, USA
2024.05.23 -
Jill Hruby, Administrator of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) , visits NIMS
2024.05.22 -
NIMS concluded an agreement with Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) for the International Cooperative Graduate Program (ICGP)
2024.04.30 -
Four Members of the European Commission visit NIMS
2024.04.24 -
Kazuhiro Hono, NIMS President, receives Acta Materialia Gold Medal
2024.03.13 -
NIMS signed Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with Photon Science Innovation Center (PhoSIC)
2024.02.22 -
News and Topics
2024.02.22 -
Divisional MoU signed between National Taipei University of Technology and the Polymer and Biomaterials Research Center of NIMS
2024.02.21 -
6 NIMS researchers present at the 23rd Annual SAT Technology Showcase 2024
2024.02.05 -
NIMS concluded an agreement with Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (IIT Mandi) for the International Cooperative Graduate Program (ICGP)
2024.01.30 -
MEXT Minister Masahito Moriyama visited NIMS
2024.01.25 -
NIMS concluded an agreement with Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for the International Cooperative Graduate Program (ICGP)