Fostering Young Materials Scientists

NIMS, as a world-leading institute for materials science, supervises postgraduate students towards their degrees and fosters young researchers through cutting-edge research.

NIMS, as a world-leading institute for materials science, supervises postgraduate students towards their degrees and fosters young researchers through cutting-edge research.

NIMS has collaborative agreements with several universities to provide postgraduate students with research and training opportunities through the NIMS Graduate Program. Based on the agreements, NIMS researchers supervise those university postgraduate students towards obtaining degrees. Many of our program alumni with degrees awarded by the universities have their careers in materials science. Additionally, the International Centre for Young Scientists (ICYS) scheme, which fosters young researchers within 10 years of obtaining their degrees, provides the freedom to conduct independent and self-directed research in various field of materials science with full access to NIMS advanced research facilities.

NIMS's recruitment system (by career path)

NIMS offers a recruitment framework (position, type, program, etc.) that allows entry at any career stage, from National Institute of Technology in Japan and university students onwards.