International Cooperative Graduate Program

International Cooperative Graduate Program (ICGP) is to accept graduate students from overseas universities which NIMS concluded the ICGP agreement with. Students can conduct part of their thesis work at NIMS with the co-supervision of NIMS researchers.

Partner universities with ICGP agreement


United States of America





Czech Republic













Through the ICGP agreement, the graduate students are able to conduct doctoral thesis research with the following conditions. NIMS supports research as well as living and studying abroad in Japan.There are many students working at NIMS using different student programs.

In and out of NIMS, the student will enjoy interactions with other students coming from different backgrounds.Find out more about student life on our newsletter NIMS NOW.

Duration of stay
6 to 12 months
Research at NIMS
Main part of thesis research can be conducted in the program. Along with the student’s supervising professor, NIMS researcher co-supervises the research and thesis.
Working language
English. Japanese language skills are helpful but not required.
Arrangements supported by NIMS
Financial support
NIMS provides living allowance and accommodation fee in Tsukuba.
Residents for international researchers in Tsukuba, Ninomiya House
Support during your stay
  • ・Technical/administrative support in English at NIMS
  • ・Daily-life support service for foreign researchers, which covers daily-life assistance to administrative support, from arrival to departure.
Extracurricular activities
  • ・Workshops and symposiums held at NIMS
  • ・Japanese language lessons
  • ・Culture experience program

How to find NIMS researchers
- SAMURAI database -

SAMURAI is an electronic database that aims to introduce NIMS researchers and their work to the public. Research publications in the profile are linked in the ‘NIMS Digital Library’, a digital archive of institutional activities in materials science that aims to serve both society and individual scientists.

To find a NIMS researcher who matches with your research interests and topics, please see the SAMURAI database. You can search by research field, paper titles or keywords.

SAMURAI database

Process for signing the ICGP agreement

The ICGP is open to universities outside of Japan, for collaborating research and graduate education in a field of materials sciences. To prepare for the ICGP agreement, it is required to develop working level arrangements with counterparts in the university and NIMS. When the working level agreements is formed, through circulation among the relevant bureaus in each organization, the ICGP agreement is finalized by the university dean and NIMS president. For more details, please contact NIMS Institutional Alliance Group.

Acceptance procedure of students

Based on the ICGP agreement between the university and NIMS, the application period opens 3 times a year. Students who belong to the partner universities send the application documents to the professor/office in charge. The students can find potential NIMS researchers on the SAMURAI database.

The universities select the candidates, then NIMS will arrange the prospective co-supervisor mentioned on the application. Online interviews may be conducted during the process. Upon final approval by the NIMS president, the student will be accepted at the ICGP. The administrative procedure for student acceptance, including visa and accommodation arrangement in Tsukuba, shall be taken care of by the NIMS host researcher.

The application documents and the specific procedure will be provided to the partner universities before the application period starts.