Privacy Policy

Privacy protection policy for NIMS website users

We manage the privacy of NIMS website users in accordance with the following rules.

Personal information protection

NIMS observes these personal information protection regulations to properly manage the personal information of NIMS website users and will not use the information for purposes other than those provided herein.

Laws and regulations related to the handling of website user information are available on the NIMS website. The website also provides materials and documents explaining NIMS’ obligations and its system for fulfilling the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Types of website user information that may be collected and utilized

NIMS may collect information to identify individuals who access our website to order publications or other documents, apply for employment or make inquiries.

Specifically, we may collect contact information—such as names, addresses and email addresses—and educational and career backgrounds (only for individuals applying for employment). We retain and use information collected from users of our website for specific NIMS activities within the range stipulated in NIMS’s personal information protection regulations.

Collection of access logs

We keep a record of and retain access logs, including IP addresses, associated with NIMS website users to statistically analyze their website access patterns and prepare for potential problems. We never use access log data to identify individuals.

We use access log data only for statistical analysis purposes. Analysis results are used to determine the access patterns of NIMS website users and discuss future plans for website operations.

Privacy policy change

NIMS may change its privacy policy as needed. Such changes will be announced on its website.

While privacy policy changes are made carefully, NIMS and its staff assume no responsibility for any damage caused by such changes.