News 2020
Eight NIMS Researchers as "Highly Cited Researchers 2020"
2020.12.11 -
Akihiro Okamoto, Independent Scientist Wins Catalyst Award at HLGC by U.S. NAM
2020.10.16 -
MANA Principal Investigators, Win the SSDM Award
2020.10.02 -
Impact Factor of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM) climbs to a record high of 5.866
2020.07.06 -
NIMS releases the Materials Data Repository (MDR) and DICE, a materials data platform
- Data collection, accumulation, and publication for data-driven materials research –
2020.06.15 -
Appointment of Executive at NIMS
2020.04.01 -
NIMS Researcher Awarded the "JSAP Outstanding Achievement Award"