
University of Tsukuba

Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences, Graduate School of Sceience and Technology

The joint graduate school program "Subprogram in Materials Science and Engineering" was established in April 2004, as the first cooperative graduate school system for NIMS. The NIMS researchers have joined the graduate school faculty and supervise the students' thesis research for Ph.D. degrees. The program also has a Master's course that prepares students to excel in professional career development. From February 2022, the program has become available in "Degree Programs in Materials Innovation".

Hokkaido University

- Materials Chemistry and Engineering Course,
Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
- Division of Life Science / Division of Soft Matter,Graduate School of Life Science
- Department of Condensed Matter Physics,
Graduate School of Science

Starting with the establishment of the joint graduate program with Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering in May 2008, the program conclusions based on the collaborative agreement was extended to Graduate School of Life Science in September 2008, and Graduate School of Science in May 2009. The doctoral students can perform their own research using the advanced facilities at NIMS as well as at Hokkaido University.

Waseda University

- Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering,
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
- Department of Materials Science,
Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

In December 2008, the program was established in an interdisciplinary major, Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. Another new collaboration was developed with the new unvierstity department, Department of Materials Science, in September 2019. From the program entry until the completion by obtaining a doctoral degree, NIMS researchers assigned to the university and Waseda University professor jointly supervise the student's research and study.

Kyushu University

Department of Applied Chemistry /
Department of Materials,
Graduate School of Engineering

The program was launched in April 2009, as "Course of Advanced Nanomaterials Science and Engineering" in Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry in the Graduate School of Engineering. One of the course study required for the graduation, Research Proposal, aims to enhance planning ability for developing research plan and designing appropriate methods.

Osaka University

Department of Information Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

In October 2021, the collaborative program “Materials Informatics Laboratory” was established in Department of Information Systems Engineering in Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at Osaka University.
The program aims to foster researchers and engineers who will create new information science and technology that will contribute to society, through the analysis of new functional materials and the design of advanced information systems which is applied by new functional materials.

Yokohama National University

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Ocean Engineering /
Department of Chemistry and Life Science,
Graduate School of Engineering Science

In April 2023, the collaborative program Specialization in Energy Materials” was established in 2 departments in the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Yokohama National University.
The doctoral students will acquire a wide range of expertise for the application, while developing the basic skills in energy materials such as materials science related to electrochemistry, thermal engineering, and material properties.

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Doctoral Program in Materials Science and Engineering / Doctoral Program in Chemical Science and Engineering
School of Materials and Chemical Technology

In January 2024, the collaborative program was established in 2 Doctoral Programs at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Through such cutting-edge research, it aims to foster global researchers and engineers who can lead the development of materials in the future.