Loan Service for Research Samples
Are you interested in evaluating NIMS research samples?Cutting-edge materials developed by NIMS are available for evaluation for any of the uses listed below. Prior to receiving a sample, you have to be required to enter into a material evaluation agreement.
Carrying out tests and evaluations using NIMS materials
Evaluating materials to look into the possibility of collaborative research
Considering materials before negotiating a NIMS patent license
There are several cases where we have offered an ongoing supply of samples (responding to demand for relatively large volumes, etc.). Some examples are listed below:
Achieving stable production of materials that change color with electricity Significantly advancing the widespread use of low-cost, high-performance dimmable glass
Developing highly versatile and multifunctional adhesive materials inspired by persimmon tannin Contributing significantly to the miniaturization and performance of electronic devices by making it possible to bond various materials including metals, inorganics, and organics
For inquiries, please contact us through the inquiry form.