
NIMS Joint Graduate School Program

NIMS researchers supervise postgraduate students as university professors

2024.10.01 Update

In this unique graduate program based on agreement with Japanese universities, the selected NIMS researchers are assigned to university professors who supervise those university postgraduate students. The students are able to conduct research using the advanced facilities in an internationally acclaimed research environment, while they study towards getting a degree. With obtaining their degree and professional recognition and skills, many of the program alumni have careers in materials science.

Training Focused Graduate Programs

Furthermore, NIMS offers a “NIMS Graduate Research Assistantship” to excellent students in the program. Those students appointed as NIMS Junior Researchers will be able to focus on their activities at NIMS, without financial strain. 

List of the NIMS Joint Graduate School Programs

The first program started in April 2004, with the Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba. Since the then, NIMS Joint Graduate School Programs have been established at 6 Japanese universities.

University of Tsukuba Hokkaido University Waseda University Kyushu University Osaka University Yokohama National University Institute of Science Tokyo

University of Tsukuba

Hokkaido University

Waseda University

Kyushu University

Osaka University

Yokohama National University

Institute of Science Tokyo

Contact information

Graduate Program Group,
Academic Collaboration Office,
Division of International Collaborations and Public Relations, NIMS

1-2-1 Sengen Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050047 JAPAN
FAX: +81-29-859-2799
E-Mail: nims-graduate=nims.go.jp (Please change "=" to "@")