Permanent Research Positions
This page provides recruitment information for our permanent research positions. For more details about how we recruit for permanent research positions, please see "Recruitment information of of permanent employed researcher" on this page.
Hiring of Permanent Research Staff
Hiring Method
- We hire talented individuals with extensive knowledge and high research capability in materials science.
- We welcome female researchers, foreign researchers, and researchers with experience in private companies.
Employment Conditions and Compensation
- Generally, there is no fixed term (retirement system, retirement age as of 2023-2024: 61 years). However, based on the results of the evaluation at the time of hiring and performance, a fixed term of up to 5 years may be defined, and the staff member may undergo a retirement system transition review after a certain period.
- Even if a fixed term is assigned, the annual salary and working conditions will be similar to those of permanent employees, including coverage under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association (pension, health insurance), Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance, and Employment Insurance.
- The retirement age, in line with national civil servants, will be gradually increased by one year every two years from April 2023, reaching 65 years in April 2031 onward. (For those born after April 2, 1967, the retirement age will be 65 years.)
- If retiring before age 65, an employee can opt to use the re-employment system to be rehired up to the age of 65.
Recruitment and Selection Policy
- Recruitment is primarily public. We publish vacancies not only on our website but also in various academic journals worldwide, seeking talent globally.
- The selection process involves a comprehensive and fair evaluation through document review and interviews.
About the Acceptance of Recommendation Letters
Applicants can check the receipt status of their recommendation letters using their Applicant ID. Please refer to the file below for more information.
Recruitment Data
Please view the file here for information on salaries, hiring achievements, and the number of applicants by field.
There are no positions currently available.