Frequently asked questions about NIMS

NIMS - some of you visiting this site may be seeing this name for the first time. To help you understand what we aim to do and how we do it, we have prepared answers to some frequently asked questions.

List of Answers

A01. About the NIMS name

NIMS is an abbreviation of our English name: the National Institute for Materials Science.

NIMS was established as a public research institute under the jurisdiction of the former Agency of Industrial Science and Technology when two earlier national research institutes were brought together — the National Research Institute for Metals (NRIM) and the National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (NIRIM). It was incorporated as an independent administrative institute and is currently under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). NIMS is the only national research and development institute in Japan dedicated to materials science.

A02. About the NIMS logo

The NIMS logo symbolizes our heart and the future, signifying our ambition to lead materials science in the 21st century and become a key institution that is open to the world. The logo also incorporates Mount Tsukuba, the symbol of Tsukuba City.

A03. What is the purpose of NIMS?

Materials have been part of our lives since ancient times, and their importance has grown over time. In recent years, the development of new materials has been seen as a way to make progress on global issues such as those related to the environment, energy, and resources.

NIMS aims to expand knowledge of materials science and technology, contributing to sustainable social development. We respond to the needs of the times through comprehensive research and development in both basic materials science and its applications, as well as many related activities.

A04. How is NIMS organized?

NIMS operates three sites around Tsukuba City in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The Chitose site is our headquarters, while the Namiki and Sakura sites also support our work. We have seven research centers supported by a services division and an administration division. All our operations are carried out in accordance with the management policy set out by our executives. As of April 1, 2020, NIMS had 1,564 employees.

A05. How does NIMS differ from university and private company research?

Materials research is also done by universities and private companies, with universities generally focusing on basic research and private companies tending to engage in applied research leading to specific products. At NIMS, which is a national research and development institute, we conduct fundamental and basic research aimed at practical applications, as well as research that responds to global issues and societal needs such as in the areas of environment, energy, and resources.

Advanced materials research requires cutting-edge facilities and advanced technology, but not all universities and companies have the resources needed to support such faciiliteis due to budget constraints. Given that advanced research to improve our scientific and technological capability is important to Japan, we as a public research institute are able to deploy such resources. This is one of the roles of Japan’s independent administrative institutes for research and development. At NIMS, in addition to conducting advanced research using our facilities, we contribute to improving materials science and technology in Japan by opening up our facilities and technologies to external users for shared purposes and serving as a hub to connect users of our technology.

A06. What has NIMS achieved?

Since being incorporated as an independent administrative institute, NIMS has actively promoted activities that leverage strengths different from those deployed by the former national research institutes. Our research activities have advanced and we are proud of our achievements as measured by research papers published, patent applications made, and technology transfers to industry. For example, looking at the number of citations of research papers from 2004 to 2009, NIMS achieved remarkable results, ranking first domestically and third worldwide. Also, as the only independent administrative institute dwesignated as a supporter of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI), established by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2008, NIMS has actively applied for and been selected in competitive research projects such as the International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), Nano Material Science Environment Hub, and Low Carbonization Material Design and Creation Hub.

A07. Can we use NIMS facilities?

NIMS make efforts to provide opportunities for external parties to utilize some of our research facilities and technologies. You can use NIMS facilities and technologies if you meet certain conditions. Please note that some facilities are available at no charge while for others a fee is payable. For detailed information on how to use each of our facilities or technologies, please visit the NIMS Open Facility page.

A08. Can I work for NIMS?

NIMS is always looking for qualified and enthusiastic individuals to to contribute to our materials research as well as in supporting roles. We take people on as permanent employees (that is, without a fixed term until retirement age) or as fixed-term employees on a contract for a fixed number of years. For detailed information on our recruitment methods and conditions, please visit the Recruitment Information page.

A09. Does NIMS run facility tours?

NIMS accepts group visits at any time. Please contact the Tour Coodinator in the Public Relations Office in advance to make arrangements.

Please note that NIMS does not have a permanent exhibition space. Typically, tours at NIMS involve researchers explaining their research in actual research settings, such as laboratories. It may not always be possible to accommodate the preferences of a particular group due to scheduling, the size of the group, or the availability of researchers.

During Science and Technology Week (the Monday-to-Sunday period each year that includes April 18th), the general public can visit us for our NIMS Open Day. This is a great opportunity to observe our research in action in various laboratories.

Note: If you wish to organize a group visit to multiple locations at NIMS, group participants will need to walk between sites on the premises. Please also inform us in advance of any accessibility requirements, as there are stairs on the premises.

A10. Are the NIMS libraries open to the public?

Each of our sites (Chigusa, Namiki, and Sakura) has a library of materials and specialized books related to materials research and they are open for use by the general public. For more information, please visit the Library Usage Guide page.

A11. How can I commission research at NIMS?

Please send a completed commissioning form to the selected researcher, addressing your letter to the NIMS President. If a written response is appropriate, the relevant department will contact you after the process is complete.

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