Postdoctoral Researcher A few positions available

Fixed Term: Center for Basic Research on Materials, Advanced Materials Characterization Field, Quantum Beam Diffraction Group

#Fixed Term #Researcher
Field or Position Postdoctoral Researcher (Fixed Term)
Number of People A few positions available
Affiliation Center for Basic Research on Materials Advanced Materials Characterization Field, Quantum Beam Diffraction Group 
Research Summary
  • Materials informatics for fuel cell catalysts and/or
  • Surface measurements under vac & spectroscopy for electrocatalysts 
  1. PhD in the related fields (computer science, surface science etc.)
  2. Experience on materials informatics (Python coding skill is required. Degrees on computer science without materials experience is acceptable.)
  3. Experience on vacuum instruments (depending on the background of qualificatio no. 2. If the applicant has a background of high-level of computer science related to materials informatics and/or artificial intellegence, no. 3 is not required.).
  4. Writing summary reports in Japanese or writing academic papers in English.
Starting Date May 1st 2023 or after
Term 1 Year(Possibly up to 5 Years with Annual Evaluation)
Work Place National Institute for Materials Science, Namiki-Site (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki)
Work Hours 7 hours 45 minutes a day (negotiable as the flex-time system)
Holiday Saturday, Sunday, and National Holidays
Salary / Supply Supply followed by NIMS regulations. Commuting allowance and national insurance will also be covered.
Employer President, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
How to Apply Send the following items by email:
  1. CV with Your Photo
  2. List of Publications Including Papers and Invited Talks
  3. Brief Summary of Your Research Accomplishments (1 Page / A4 Size)
  4. Self-Promotion (1 Page / A4 Size)
  5. Reprints: PDF files of 3 Papers
  6. Name, Affiliation and Contact Details of Two Referees
(Your personal information will be protected by NIMS privacy policy.)
Delivery Address The contact address below
Deadline Until qualified candidate is found.
How to Judge After document screening, short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Contact to
Satoshi Tominaka
Quantum Beam Diffraction Group
Center for Basic Research on Materials /Advanced Materials Characterization Field
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan
E-Mail: change "=" to "@")

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