Vol.21 No.6 <2023 November-December>

Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials
Magnetism: source of future innovations

2024.03.04 Published


Magnetism: source of future innovations

Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials
Director : Seiji Mitani

Key Projects

Basic research on magnetic and spintronic materials
that could be used to make society more sustainable
Project leader : Seiji Mitani

Creating magnetic thermal management materials

Ken-ichi Uchida
Distinguished Group Leader, Spin Caloritronics Group

Leading to green innovation bulk magnetic materials

Hossein Sepehri-Amin
Group Leader, Green Magnetic Materials Group

Data-driven research accelerates cutting-edge efforts to increase HDD capacity

Yukiko Takahashi
Group Leader, Magnetic Recording Materials Group

Promoting digital innovation through magnetic thin film research

Yuya Sakuraba
Group Leader, Magnetic Functional Device Group

Developing new computing mechanisms through a deeper understanding of spin properties

Shinya Kasai
Group Leader, Spin Physics Group

Aiming to fabricate revolutionary MTJs after setting a world record

Hiroaki Sukegawa
Group Leader, Spintronics Group

【RESEARCH 7】 Guiding magnetic materials development using numerical calculations

Yoshio Miura
Group Leader, Spin Theory Group

【RESEARCH 8】 Enhancing material performance using a combination of cutting-edge analytical instruments

 Taisuke Sasaki
Group Leader, Nanostructure Analysis Group

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