Report on NIMS Award Symposium 2023

On 6th November (Mon.) and 7th November (Tue.) 2023, NIMS held the research presentation entitled "NIMS Award symposium 2023”.


NIMS Award Symposium 2023 was held on Monday, 6th November and Tuesday, 7th November 2023, at the convention hall 300 of Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan.

The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) has awarded the "NIMS Award" to researchers or groups that have made outstanding achievements in materials research field since 2007, and for 2023, the 16th. The candidates for the NIMS award were nominated by world-leading scientists and fairly reviewed by the NIMS Award Committee which consists of neutral experts.

Finally, NIMS Award 2023 went to Prof. Dierk Raabe (Director of Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH (Germany)) and he gave a commemorative lecture at the symposium.

"Group photo of registered participants with award winners and invited speakers." Image

Group photo of registered participants with award winners and invited speakers.

Day 1 (November 6, 2023 at TSUKUBA International Congress Center)

This year, under the theme of "Structural Materials for Carbon Neutral," the award ceremony of NIMS Award 2023, commemorative lecture by the award winner and invited lectures from Japan and overseas (6th November), and the invited lectures by prominent Japanese invited speakers on major topics in the structural materials research (7th November) were held.

On the first day, more than 400 participants eagerly listened to the lectures and were inspired by the award winners’ presentations, also the new research networks were formed at the reception after the oral presentation session. The first day event was truly fruitful one.

"Opening remarks by NIMS President Dr. Kazuhiro Hono." Image

Opening remarks by NIMS President Dr. Kazuhiro Hono.

"Prof. Dierk Raabe, NIMS Award winner, received commemorative medal from Dr. Hono, NIMS president." Image

Prof. Dierk Raabe, NIMS Award winner, received commemorative medal from Dr. Hono, NIMS president.

"NIMS Award Commemorative Lecture by Prof. Dierk Raabe." Image

NIMS Award Commemorative Lecture by Prof. Dierk Raabe.

Following the award lecture, invited lectures were given by Prof. Sudarsanam Suresh Babu of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (USA), Prof. Simon P. Ringer of The University of Sydney (Australia), Prof. Sung-Joon Kim of Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korea) and Prof. Tadashi Furuhara of Tohoku University, as introduction to leading research in the structural materials research field. Also, NIMS researchers presented their research as related structural material’s research.

"Invited talk by Prof. Sudarsanam Suresh Babu." Image

Invited talk by Prof. Sudarsanam Suresh Babu.

"Invited talk by Prof. Simon P. Ringer." Image

Invited talk by Prof. Simon P. Ringer.

"Invited talk by Prof. Sung-Joon Kim." Image

Invited talk by Prof. Sung-Joon Kim.

"Invited talk by Prof. Tadashi Furuhara." Image

Invited talk by Prof. Tadashi Furuhara.

Day 2 (November 7, 2023 at TSUKUBA International Congress Center)

On the second day, there were 7 presentations by prominent Japanese invited speakers and 3 presentations by NIMS researchers, and after the oral presentations, 17 posters about "Process", 28 posters about "Characterization", 21 posters about "Evaluation", and 19 posters about "Modeling" were presented.

During the core time of the poster session, participants engaged in a vigorous exchange of opinions on the latest research results, which was not possible during oral presentations, and provided the participants a fruitful good opportunity for the academic exchange that contributed to the creation of new global network.

"Poster Session Venue." Image

Poster Session Venue.

"Poster Session Venue." Image

Poster Session Venue.

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NIMS Award Commemorative Medal

Gold medal of NIMS Award 2023

This year's winner of NIMS AWARD will receive “Urban Mined Ethical Gold-Plated Silver Medal” as a supplementary prize. The gold was extracted from urban mines of environmentally and ethically friendly.
  • Material: Urban Mined Ethical Gold-Plated Silver
  • Chemical composition: Gold - 99.99% by mass
The NIMS AWARD medal was made using gold extracted from urban mines, just like the gold medals at the 2020 TOKYO Olympic and Paralympic Games. Urban mining is a resource- and environment-friendly that collects and reuses metals from used home appliances, mobile phones, computers, and other products.
The concept of urban mines was triggered by the NIMS’s announcement (by Dr. Kohmei Halada) in 2008 of its importance of urban mines accumulated so far and spread out to the recycling system for small home appliances as well as the gold, silver, and bronze medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Games.
The NIMS AWARD medal was also made by plating a silver base metal with gold extracted from urban mines of environmentally- and ethically friendly.