2023.03.06 更新
2023年3月1日 (水) から3月2日 (木) の2日間、独立行政法人 国立高等専門学校機構 (KOSEN) の主催による第1回高専国際シンポジウムが都内の一橋講堂 (竹橋) で開催されました。
冒頭の谷口 功理事長によるOpening Greetingに続き、キングモンクット工科大学 (タイ) のProfessor Dr. Somyot Kaitwanidvilaiによる“The world of engineering trend and tools to innovate commercial products with AIoT and 5G”と題するKey note講演が行われました。産業の高度化を目指すタイでは、専門性を備えた技術者の養成が課題であることから、日本の高専型教育をタイに導入することが決定され、日本の円借款によりキングモンクット工科大学ラカバン校やキングモンクット工科大学トンブリ校に高等専門学校 (KOSEN) が開校し、両校あわせて400人程度の学生が在籍しています。
Key note講演終了後は、セッションごとの発表が行われ、以下のNIMS研究者10名による研究発表が行われました。
冒頭の谷口 功理事長によるOpening Greetingに続き、キングモンクット工科大学 (タイ) のProfessor Dr. Somyot Kaitwanidvilaiによる“The world of engineering trend and tools to innovate commercial products with AIoT and 5G”と題するKey note講演が行われました。産業の高度化を目指すタイでは、専門性を備えた技術者の養成が課題であることから、日本の高専型教育をタイに導入することが決定され、日本の円借款によりキングモンクット工科大学ラカバン校やキングモンクット工科大学トンブリ校に高等専門学校 (KOSEN) が開校し、両校あわせて400人程度の学生が在籍しています。
Key note講演終了後は、セッションごとの発表が行われ、以下のNIMS研究者10名による研究発表が行われました。
Session A; Material and Biochemistry
Speaker: Dr. Mitsuhiro EBARA
Group Leader, Smart Polymer Group, Research Center for Functional Materials, NIMS,
Presentation title: Smart Polymer Technologies for Global Health
Speaker: Dr. Masayuki TAKEUCHI
Deputy Director and concurrent Group Leader, Molecular Design & Function Group, Research Center for Functional Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: Supramolecular Design of Conjugated Molecules and Polymers toward Functional Organic Materials
Speaker: Dr. Akihiro OKAMOTO
Group Leader, Electrochemical Nanobiotechnology Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
Presentation title: Electrochemically active bacteria and nano metallic particles weave self-organized electric network
Speaker: Dr. Xiao DENG
Researcher, Electrochemical Nanobiotechnology Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
Presentation title: Isolation of a novel iron corrosive bacterium from deep-sea marine sediments
Speaker: Dr. Yoshihiko TAKANO
Group Leader, Nano Frontier Superconducting Materials Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
Presentation title: Data driven exploration of superconductors using new diamond anvil cell
Speaker: Dr. Jonathan HILL
Group Leader, Functional Chromophores Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
Presentation title: Self-Assembly of Organic Chromophores
Group Leader, Smart Polymer Group, Research Center for Functional Materials, NIMS,
Presentation title: Smart Polymer Technologies for Global Health
Speaker: Dr. Masayuki TAKEUCHI
Deputy Director and concurrent Group Leader, Molecular Design & Function Group, Research Center for Functional Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: Supramolecular Design of Conjugated Molecules and Polymers toward Functional Organic Materials
Speaker: Dr. Akihiro OKAMOTO
Group Leader, Electrochemical Nanobiotechnology Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
Presentation title: Electrochemically active bacteria and nano metallic particles weave self-organized electric network
Speaker: Dr. Xiao DENG
Researcher, Electrochemical Nanobiotechnology Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
Presentation title: Isolation of a novel iron corrosive bacterium from deep-sea marine sediments
Speaker: Dr. Yoshihiko TAKANO
Group Leader, Nano Frontier Superconducting Materials Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
Presentation title: Data driven exploration of superconductors using new diamond anvil cell
Speaker: Dr. Jonathan HILL
Group Leader, Functional Chromophores Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), NIMS
Presentation title: Self-Assembly of Organic Chromophores
Session C; Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Speaker: Dr. Takahito OHMURA
Group Leader, High Strength Materials Group, Research Center for Structural Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: Nano-mechanical Characterization for Multi-scale Modeling in Mechanical Behavior of Metallic Materials
Speaker: Dr. Seiichiro II
Principal Researcher, Analysis and Evaluation Field, Microstructure Analysis Technology Group, Research Center for Structural Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: TEM in-situ straining characterization for deformation behavior in crystalline materials
Group Leader, High Strength Materials Group, Research Center for Structural Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: Nano-mechanical Characterization for Multi-scale Modeling in Mechanical Behavior of Metallic Materials
Speaker: Dr. Seiichiro II
Principal Researcher, Analysis and Evaluation Field, Microstructure Analysis Technology Group, Research Center for Structural Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: TEM in-situ straining characterization for deformation behavior in crystalline materials
Session D; Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering
Speaker: Dr. Takahiro NAGATA
Group Leader, Nano Electronics Device Materials Group, Research Center for Functional Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: Electronic state modification of (GaxIn1-x)2O3 solid solution thin film by combinatorial method
Speaker: Dr. Dhruba Bahadur KHADKA
Researcher, Photovoltaic Materials Group, Center for Green Research on Energy and Environmental Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: Molecular Passivation for High-Efficiency and Stable Methylammonium-Free Perovskite Solar Cells with Fluorinated Supramolecules
Group Leader, Nano Electronics Device Materials Group, Research Center for Functional Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: Electronic state modification of (GaxIn1-x)2O3 solid solution thin film by combinatorial method
Speaker: Dr. Dhruba Bahadur KHADKA
Researcher, Photovoltaic Materials Group, Center for Green Research on Energy and Environmental Materials, NIMS
Presentation title: Molecular Passivation for High-Efficiency and Stable Methylammonium-Free Perovskite Solar Cells with Fluorinated Supramolecules
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