Vol.17 No.2 <2019 Feburary-March>

150th anniversary of the periodic table of chemical elements
The periodic table is a treasure map

2019.03.28 Published


Figures surrounding the elements

150 years have passed since the discovery of the first periodic table of the elements by Dmitri Mendeleev. etc.

The adventure of discovery for novel materials
My periodic table as a treasure map

Semiconductor materials -- Dr. Fumio Kawamura
Catalysic materials -- Dr. Hideki Abe
Biomaterials -- Dr. Masanori Kikuchi
Superconducting materials -- Dr. Masaaki Isobe
Superalloy materials -- Dr. Kyoko Kawagishi
Battery materials -- Dr. Akihiro Nomura
<GUEST> Fireworks -- Mr. Yoshio Yamazaki

Price of elements

Elements that have changed the world

Breaking the world superconductivity record
Revolutionizing lighting technology
Uncovering hidden properties of aluminium (Al)

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