Vol.19 No.2 <2021 March>

NIMS turns 20

2021.03.30 Published


From our first 20 years to the next 20

Kazuhito Hashimoto
President of National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

[KEYWORDS that will define the future]

1: Energy and the environment
  [Pick up1] Hydrogen liquefaction project
  [Pick up2] Spin caloritronics

2: Data-driven R&D
  [Pick up1] Materials Data platform, DICE
  [Pick up2] Development of tools for automatic translation, collection and analysis of output data generated by lab equipments

3: Next-generation materials and devices
  [Pick up1] Periodontal bacteria sensor
  [Pick up2] Actuator composed of ion-conductive liquid crystal capable of replicating sense of touch
  [Pick up3] Quantum dot capable of emitting entangled photon pairs

NIMS initiatives

Creep test
International Center for Young Scientists(ICYS)
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials(STAM)

Related files

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