Vol.18 No.5 <2020 September-October>

Why did it break?

2020.12.11 Published


The Fracture Surface Speaks. ~50 years of NIMS accident investigations~

Investigation File 1: H-II Rocket No. 8 Launch Failure
Finding the Cause of an Engine Failure

Guidelines for Rocket Development: a Collaboration between JAXA and NIMS
"Space Use Materials Strength Data Sheet"

Investigation Process

Editorial supervisor:
Yoshiyuki Furuya (Group Leader, Fatigue Property Group, Analysis and Evaluation Field, Research Center for Structural Materials)

Investigation File 2: Nagaragawa Railway Train Derailment
Searching for the Decisive Cause of a Rail Fracture

Using AI to diagnose the deterioration of metals!
Project "Takumi-no-Me (Master's Eyes)"

Related files

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