Vol.16 No.4 <2018 July-August>

Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials (CMSM)
Bringing order to random spin

2018.11.02 Published

Challenges in controlling electron spin, the source of magnetic force


<NIMS Award Interview> Invention of the world’s strongest magnet and the dawn of spintronics

Masato Sagawa (Advisor for Daido Steel Co., Ltd.)
Terunobu Miyazaki (Professor Emeritus at Tohoku University)
Kazuhiro Hono (Director of the Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials (CMSM), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS); also a NIMS Executive Vice President)

Development of permanent magnets containing no critical elements

Satoshi Hirosawa (Director-General, ESICMM, NIMS)

<Chapter 1> Magnetic materials
Investigation of new technologies capable of reading and writing vast amounts of information

Yuya Sakuraba (Group Leader, Magnetic Materials Group, Reseach Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Mterials)

Maximizing the capacity of data storage media

Yukiko Takahashi (Group Leader, Magnetic Recording Materials Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials)

<Chapter 2> Spintronics Development of high-capacity MRAM capable of stable operation

Hiroaki Sukegawa (Principal Researcher, Spintronics Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials)

Energy-efficient data writing with spin polarized electrons

Masamitsu Hayashi (Group Leader, Spin Physics Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials)

Using spin to manipulate heat and electricity

Ken-ichi Uchida (Group Leader, Spin Caloritronics Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Mterials)

Guiding the development of magnetic and spintronic materials

Hossein Sepehri-Amin (Senior Researcher, Magnetic Materials Analysis Group, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials)
Yoshio Miura (Independent Scientist, Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials)

<Science is even more amazing than you think (maybe…)> The lady and the sharks

Text by Akio Etori
Illustration by Joe Okada(vision track)

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