Vol.15 No.4 <2017 July-August>

KNOWLEDGE and FACILITIES -Research Network and Facility Services Division-

2017.09.22 Published

Providing truly helpful research support to all scientists


Special Talk

To increase the performance of gallium nitride materials
- Amano-Koide Collaborative Research Lab launched -

Hiroshi Amano
(Professor, Director of the Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics,
Insitute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University;
NIMS Distinguished Fellow)
Yasuo Koide
(Executive Vice President, Director of the Research Network and Facility Services Division (RNFS), NIMS;
Designated Professor, Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University)


[-Making 177 analytical instruments available to support all interested researchers-
RNFS provides analytical support and much more]
Nobutaka Hanagata (Deputy Director of the RNFS)

Comments from Users

Takao Gunji (University of Electro-Communications)
Masashi Yanagita (Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation) 
Katsuhiko Takeuchi (Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation)
Taisuke Sasaki (Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials, NIMS)

Comments from Staff

Akio Iwanade (RNFS, NIMS)

Science is even more amazing than you think (maybe…)

written by Akio Etori
illustration by Joe Okada (vision track)


  1. Deputy Prime Minister of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia visits NIMS
  2. NIMS Researcher Wins a 2017 Japan National Fellowship from the L'oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science.
Hello from NIMS (Dai-Ming Tang)

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