NIMS WEEK Academic Symposium

International symposium for the promotion of materials science research
2023.04.01 Update

Since 2003, NIMS had organized the NIMS Conference, an international conference to discuss and promote materials science research. Since 2016, a week in October has been designated as "NIMS WEEK" and various events are intensively held during this week.
At “NIMS WEEK Academic Symposium”, there will be NIMS Award Ceremony, Winning-lecture, lectures by world-top researchers who continue to make innovative achievements in the field of Materials Science, and poster presentations by young scientists under the theme of the year.

NIMS Award

NIMS Award is a prize presented by NIMS to a person or a group who has made distinguished achievements in research and development in the field of materials science and technology in recent years and the ceremony is held during the conference. From 2011, contributions to a development of NIMS previously or in the near future was included in the criteria for the selection.
The nominees are selected by the nomination working group consisted of external intellectuals and NIMS researchers in the related research fields. The final candidates are elected by the NIMS Award Committee members including external intellectuals, and the final decision is made after NIMS President’s approval at the end.

Past Award Winners and Achievement Titles

Past Award Winners

Related files

NIMS Conference (2003-2015)

This was the biggest international conference organized by NIMS since 2003. We invited world’s top level researchers and discussed a variety of issues and problems based on the latest research results from the perspective of materials research and nano-technology. 
NIMS Award Ceremony and Award Winning-lecture were being held during the 1st day of the conference every year.

Previous Conferences (Date and theme since 2007)

NIMS Conference 2015 (2015.7.14~16)
"Materials Innovation Driven by Advanced Characterization"
"A Strong Future from Soft Materials"
"Structure Control of Atomic/Molecular Thin Films and their Applications"
"Structural Materials Science and Strategy for Sustainability  - Back to the Basics -"
"Challenges of Nanomaterials Science: towards the Solution of Environment and Energy Problems"
"Nanobio- materials and Technologies: Breakthrough for Future Medicine"
"Materials Science for Highly Efficient Use of Energy and Resources"
"Recent Breakthroughs in Materials Science and Technology"

NIMS WEEK Academic Symposium secretariat

Academic Collaboration Office, Division of International Collaborations and Public Relations
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 Japan
E-Mail: academic-collaboration[at]