6 NIMS Researchers Presented at the 23rd Annual SAT Technology Showcase 2024

2024.02.05 Update

6 NIMS Researchers Presented at the 23rd Annual SAT Technology Showcase 2024

The SAT Technology Showcase 2024 was held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center on 25th January (Thursday).
From NIMS, Dr, Suto (Research Centre for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials) joined the poster presentation for highlighted research from Tsukuba (i.e., introduction of research topic representing NIMS).

And the general poster presentations were given by Dr. Kadowaki (Research center for structural materials), Dr Harano (Center for basic research on materials), Dr. Iwasaki (Research center for materials nanoarchitectonics), Dr. Iimura (Research center for the electronic and optical materials) and Dr. Shiba (Research center for macromolecules and biomaterials).

They gave the short presentations called "indexing" and subsequent poster presentations.

Among them, Dr Iimura's presentation (title: Preparing and transporting negative ions from hydrogen using electricity) was selected for the Special Environmental Award, and he was presented with a certificate and a supplementary prize by the vice-president of the Tsukuba Academy of Science (SAT) at the award ceremony held before the closing ceremony.

Congratulations on winning the award, Dr.Iimura.

Since the COVID-19 changed to “Class 5” as the same as the seasonal flu, the poster room seemed to have more people who are asking and answering questions in front of the posters than last year.

The SAT Technology Showcase is based on the conference concept of 'inspiring knowledge through interdisciplinary exchange in Tsukuba - a flea market for the latest research and technology', and it is expected that the present presentations at SAT Technology Showcase will be a good opportunity for creation of new academic collaborations.

Fig.1 Snapshot of Dr. Suto’s poster presentation.

Fig.2 Snapshot of Dr. Suto who received the certificate of gratitude for his presentation of the highlighted research from Tsukuba.

Fig.3 Snapshot of Dr. Kadowaki's indexing presentation.

Fig.4 Snapshot of Dr. Kadowaki’s poster presentation.

Fig.5 Snapshot of Dr. Harano's indexing presentation.

Fig.6 Snapshot of Dr. Harano’s poster presentation.

Fig.7 Snapshot of Dr. Iwasaki's indexing presentation.

Fig.8 Snapshot of Dr. Iwasaki’s poster presentation.

Fug.9 Snapshot of Dr. Iimura’s poster presentation.

Fig.10 Snapshot of Dr. Iimura’s award ceremony.

Fig.11 Snapshot of Dr. Shiba's indexing presentation.

Fig.12 Snapshot of Dr. Shiba’s award ceremony.


Academic Collaboration Office, Division of International Collaborations and Public Relations
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 Japan
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