Vice-president of Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia visits NIMS

2023.02.20 Update

Vice President of Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia and three other faculty members visited NIMS.

Prof. Jaka Sembiring (vice-president in charge of Academic and Student Affairs), Prof. Brian Yuliarto (Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology), Prof. Suprijadi (Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences) and Dr. Tapran Nugraha (Engineering of physics) visited on 10th February (from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m.) to strengthen further the existing good inter-institutional network with NIMS.

Group photo of NIMS President Dr. Hono (center), NIMS executive vice-president Dr. Sasaki (second from right), and Office chief Mr. Kawashima (Industrial collaboration office) (far left) with four faculty members from the Institute of Technology Bandung

NIMS has been collaborating with Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) since 2014, inviting graduate course students to continue the joint research between ITB and NIMS, and have published more than 30 co-authored papers in the field of materials science.
The day of visit firstly, the meeting including the ITB Vice-president, three faculty members of ITB, the NIMS President, the NIMS Vice-president, and the office chief of NIMS industrial collaboration office was held at NIMS Sengen campus, they exchanged the opinions to deepen mutual understanding based on introduction of latest overview from each institution.

The snapshot of presentation scene of the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) medal from the ITB Vice-president to the NMS president.

Snapshot of meeting including ITB Vice-president and NIMS President to deepen mutual understanding.

Snapshot of meeting including ITB Vice-president and NIMS President to deepen mutual understanding.

Then, Dr. Masanobu IWANAGA (Chief researcher of the Plasmonics group, Optical materials field, research center for functional materials) presented the latest results of the research project on "Multi-purpose high-sensitivity meta-surface biosensors" at NIMS.
Following the above laboratory-tour, Dr. Yasuhiro Shirai (Group leader of the photovoltaic materials group, center for green research on energy and environmental materials) introduced the latest results of "perovskite solar cells" research at NIMS, as well as the experimental equipment that has produced such research results.
At the end of the laboratory tour, Dr. Ryo Tamura (senior researcher of the first-principles simulation group, nano-theory field, MANA) gave a presentation on his recent research project 'Structural analysis for MD simulations based on unsupervised learning' and exchanged opinions on possible future collaboration with visitors from ITB.

Snapshot of laboratory introduction of plasmonics group by Chief Researcher Dr. IWANAGA

Scene of introduction of the research facilities together with latest results of "perovskite solar cells" research at NIMS by Dr. Yasuhiro Shirai (photovoltaic materials group leader).

A meeting scene with ITB visitors set up to introduce the latest research results of NIMS senior researcher Dr. Ryo Tamura.

NIMS strongly expects that the present visit will be a good opportunity to further develop international collaboration with ITB in the near future.


Global Program Office, Global Networking Division
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 Japan
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