2023.08.09 Update

High school students from the ASEAN region selected by the Sakura Science High School Program (JST) visited NIMS

On August 2nd (Wed.), excellent 74 high school students from Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore visited NIMS.

Group photo at NIMS Segen site.

The Sakura Science High School Program is a JST*1 program which invites outstanding high school students from overseas to Japan for one week to increase the interest of visiting high school students in Japanese science and technology, fostering talented overseas human resources needed by Japanese universities, research institutions, and companies through this experience. For this reason, this JST program offers tours to prestigious Japanese universities and prominent national research institutions and so on.

In the morning, Academic Collaboration Office conducted the laboratory tour for 39 high school students from Indonesia and their escorts. In the afternoon, Public Relations Office conducted the laboratory tour for the remaining high school students from the Philippines (23 students) , Singapore (12 students) and their escorts.
In the morning session, a presentation entitled "Greeting from Indonesian Researcher, Career path to NIMS" was given by Dr. Indari Efi Dwi (NIMS Postdoctoral Researcher, Optical Ceramics Group) in Indonesian. The participating high school students listened to her talk in Indonesian with great interest.
Following this, various NIMS educational programs were presented, and then the students visited three labs in Sengen site (Spintronics Group Lab, Green Magnetic Materials Group Lab, and Additive Manufacturing Group Lab). 
A NIMS postdoctoral researcher and NIMS Junior Researchers from Indonesia were appointed to explain each laboratory, and they introduced their research in Indonesian. As a result, the participating high school students were well-received and eagerly asked questions even after the scheduled time for each group's laboratory tour had passed. 
It is expected that many of the participants will later go on to study at Japanese universities or work for Japanese companies or research institutes, thereby strengthening ties between Japan and ASEAN countries.
*1 Japan Science and Technology Agency

Fig. 1 Snapshot of presentation by Dr. Efi Dwi INDARI (NIMS postdoctoral researcher)

Fig. 2 Photo of Mr. Zulfa Hilmi KAUTSAR (NIMS Junior Researcher) introducing his research work at Green Magnetic Materials Group laboratory.

Fig. 3 Photo of Mr. Dennis Edgard JODI (NIMS junior researcher) introducing his group research work at Additive Processing Group laboratory

Fig. 4 Photo of Dr. Kresna Bondan FATHONI (NIMS postdoctoral researcher) introducing his research group work at Magnetic and Spintronics Materials Laboratory


Academic Collaboration Office, Division of International Collaborations and Public Relations
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 Japan
E-Mail: academic-collaboration[at]nims.go.jp