2023.01.31 Update

NIMS Researchers Present at the 22nd Annual SAT Techology Showcase 2023

The 22nd SAT Tecology Showcase 2023 was held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center on Thursday, January 26, 2023. Last year, the event was held online due to the rapid spread of corona infection, but this year, it was held in a face-to-face format with adequate infection control measures. 108 posters were presented at the event.

From NIMS, Dr. Mandai of the Rechargeable Battery Materials Group gave a presentation titled "Demonstration Experiment of Operation for Mg Metal Rechargeable Battery Prototype using Highly Active electrolyte and High-performance Mg Alloy Anode" as a "Poster Presentations of Highlighted Research from Tsukuba," which is expected to be implemented in society in the future, representing the organization. In addition, there were six general poster presentations from NIMS.

The Technology Showcase is intended to provide a venue for new encounters and inspiration for researchers and engineers in a wide range of fields and from business and government, and it is hoped that this will be an opportunity for new developments.

Poster Presentations of Highlighted Research from Tsukuba

Dr. Toshihiko Mandai, Rechargeable Battery Materials Group, "Demonstration Experiment of Operation for Mg Metal Rechargeable Battery Prototype using Highly Active electrolyte and High-performance Mg Alloy Anode"


General poster presentations

  1. Dr. Takayoshi Oshima, Next-generation Semiconductor Group, "Selective Growth of β-type Gallium Oxide Semiconductors"
  2. Dr. Tomonori Kitashima, Integrated Smart Materials Group, "Molding of Ni Single Crystals by Laser 3D Printer"
  3. Dr. Akihiro Nomura, Rechargeable Battery Materials Group, "Lithium-Air Batteries that Operate on Dry Air"
  4. Dr. Miharu Eguchi, Mesoscale Materials Chemistry Group, "Development of a Method to Preserve Freshness for Fruits and Vegetables using Clay Film"
  5. Dr. Gen Hayase, Soft Chemistry Group, "Optical Applications of Porous Silicone. Toward Tactile Sensors and Passive Cooling Thermal Insulation Materials"
  6. Dr. Toru Yoshitomi, Tissue Regeneration Materials Group, "Development of Photodynamic Therapy without Photosensitivity using Tissue Adhesive Polyphilin"
  7. NIMS, PR Exhibition Poster Presentation

1. Dr. Oshima

1. Dr. Oshima

2. Dr. Kitashima

2. Dr. Kitashima

3. Dr. Nomura

3. Dr. Nomura

4. Dr. Eguchi

4. Dr. Eguchi

5. Dr. Hayase

5. Dr. Hayase

6. Dr. Yoshitomi

7. NIMS PR Exhibit


Global Program Office, Global Networking Division
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 Japan
E-Mail: academic-collaboration=nims.go.jp(Please change "=" to "@")