2023.11.01 Update

Director of the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) visits NIMS

NIMS and Empa jointly publish and edit the open access journal Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM), <https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/tsta20>.During this visit, Prof. Zimmermann, NIMS President Dr. Hono and NIMS staffs exchanged views on future collaborative and editorial works for the STAM journal.

Fig.1 Empa Director Dr. Zimmermann and NIMS President Dr. Hono

After exchanging opinions, Dr. Zimmermann visited the Spintronics Group (Fig. 2), the Smart Interface Group (Fig. 3), the Advanced Phosphor Group (Fig. 4), and the Battery Research Platform (Fig. 5). NIMS and Empa will continue to lead the field of advanced materials science, and NIMS believes that NIMS and Empa will continuously lead the world in disseminating many noteworthy research results in the future.

Fig.2 Group Leader of Spintronics Group, Dr. Hiroaki Sukegawa introducing his research in the lab.

Fig.3 Group Leader of Smart Interface Group, Dr. Naoe Hosoda introducing her research in the lab.

Fig.4 Group Leader of Advanced Phosphor Group, Dr. Takashi Takeda introducing his research in the lab.

Fig.5 Chief Engineer of Battery Research Platform, Dr. Hitoshi Ota introducing his research in the lab.


Academic Collaboration Office, Division of International Collaborations and Public Relations
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 Japan
E-Mail: academic-collaboration[at]nims.go.jp