Executive Vice-president Mr. Fukui attends the 2nd Japan-India Universities Forum

2023.11.01 Update
On 30th September, the Japan-India Universities Forum was held at The Prince Kyoto Takaragaike in Kyoto, as was the case last year, with the aim of promoting cooperation between Japan and India in the fields of academics, science, and technology as strategic and global partners.

Fig. Group photo of attendees of the 2nd Japan-India Universities Forum.

Executives from 20 universities, 3 institutions, and 3 companies, including the University of Tokyo, Suzuki Motor Corporation and NIMS from the Japanese side, and executives from 10 universities including IIT-Hyderabad from the Indian side, participated in this meeting and exchanged opinions to strengthen Japan-India collaboration in the near future.
From NIMS, executive vice-president Mr. Fukui and Division Director Dr. Nakayama joined this meeting. The executive vice-president Mr. Fukui summarized the status of academic collaboration between NIMS and Indian universities until now and explained its key points.It is expected that the Japan-India collaboration will be further strengthened through this opportunity. Then, NIMS will accept more excellent students and post-doctoral fellows from top level Indian universitas in the near future.


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