電子顕微鏡解析ステーション ナノ構造解析グループ

利用案内How to Use

I want TEM station to perform TEM observation and/or sample preparation for me



技術代行の流れ (Application Procedure for Technical Surrogate)

1. 利用相談 (Kick-off Meeting)
  1. 「利用相談フォーム」をダウンロードし、依頼内容をご記入の上、事務局へお送りください。
    Download an “Support Request Form” and send it to Nanostructural Characterization Group office after filling in the form.
      → 利用相談フォーム Support Request Form word

  2. 後日、利用相談フォームに沿ってより詳しく内容を伺うため、実際に担当するスタッフより利用相談の日程調整についてご連絡いたします。
    The person in charge will contact you about the schedule for the meeting in order to discuss detailed information of your request.
  3. 担当者と利用相談を行います。※学生は上長の同席が必要です。
    You will have the meeting with relevant staff members. ※For students, their supervisor present is required.
    (If it is difficult to meet in person, we can arrange an on-line meeting like Skype or telephone meeting.)
  4. 当グループで実施可能かどうか検討し、後日可否が通知されます。
    You will be informed the result if your request is feasible or not with Nanostructural Characterization Group.
2. 利用登録・課題申請 (User Registration and Application)

After you receive a notification that your research can be implemented at Nanostructural Characterization Group, proceed to “User Registration” and “Subject Application”.

3. 課題審査・結果通知 (Review and Result Notification)

After your application is reviewed, the result will be sent by email.

4. 概算見積連絡 (Making an Estimate)
  1. 事務局より、利用相談の内容をもとに、作業内容とそれに対応する概算見積額を電子メールにてお送りいたします。
    Nanostructural Characterization Group office will inform you the rough estimated prices and those corresponding tasks based on the contents confirmed at the meeting.
  2. 概算見積額に対して回答を電子メールにてご返信いただきます。
    You will send the confirmation mail back to us regarding the rough estimate.
5. 研究支援実施 (Starting Support Service)
  1. 概算見積額同意を確認後、技術代行の作業を開始いたします。
    After we get your approval of the estimate, we will start to carry out your technical surrogate task.
  2. 実施途中で、作業が見積額を50%以上上回りそうな時点でご連絡いたします。
    You will be notified when the actual charge for the technical surrogate becomes likely to exceed more than 50% of the approximate estimate.
  3. 分析結果を担当者よりご報告いたします。
    The analysis results will be reported by the person in charge.
     When you used the technical surrogate, you must pay the fees regardless of the result of your experiments.
6. お支払い (Payment)

The invoice depending on your usage will be issued and notified every month.

7. 利用報告書およびアンケート (Submitting of User’s Report and Questionnaire)

You will be requested to submit a user’s report and questionnaire at the end of the fiscal year.

技術代行の流れ (課題採択後)のフローTechnical Surrogate flow (after subject acceptance)