利用方法、マニュアルForm and Manual
Please refrain from using them for secondary purposes or for other purposes.
- 利用相談フォーム Support Request Form
- 利用の流れ Usage Process (chart)
- 共用装置管理システムマニュアル(利用マニュアル)
NIMS microstructural characterization facility services system Manual - 記憶媒体貸出に関する同意書
Data Storage Medium Rental Agreement - 新型コロナウイルス感染対策期間中の装置利用について / Caution for facility users (COVID-19)
- TEM 初心者クラス Ⅰ & Ⅱ テキスト(パスワード制限付)
TEM beginner class Ⅰ & Ⅱ text(Require password) - FIB for beginners text(FIB講習用テキスト)(パスワード制限付/Require password)
Aライセンスの申請関連 Apply for the A-license
- 外部利用者/External users
・Aライセンス発行時説明資料 / Attention for A-license user
- NIMS定年制職員向け/NIMS Permanent Employee
・Aライセンス発行時説明資料 / Attention for A-license user
- NIMS定年制以外の職員向け/NIMS Except for Permanent Employee
・Aライセンス発行時説明資料 / Attention for A-license user
料金表一覧 Fees List
- 内部利用 料金一覧(日本語版)
Usage Fees – Internal Users(English) - 外部利用(NIMSマテリアル先端リサーチインフラ) 料金一覧
Usage Fees – External users (NIMS ARIM Japan Project)
規程・約款 Regulations and Terms
- NIMS施設及び設備利用約款 (改訂:令和2年10月20日)
General Conditions for Use of Equipment and Facilities (Revised: October 20th, 2020)
ツールの解説 Tool Description
- Scriptのインストール
How to "Script" install(It's written in Japanese) - Script 画像の表示と保存方法
How to save image of "Script"(It's written in Japanese) - ImageJを用いた粒径分析方法について
How to use "Image J"for particle analysis(It's written in Japanese.)
ImageJ is a public domain, Java-based image processing program developed at the National Institutes of Health.
ImageJ was designed with an open architecture that provides extensibility via Java plugins and recordable macros.
ImageJ can display, edit, analyze, process, save, and print 8-bit color and grayscale, 16-bit integer, and 32-bit floating point images.
It can read many image file formats, including TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, and FITS, as well as raw formats.
ImageJ (21 February 2016, at 23:26 UTC).In Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ImageJ - Cornell Spectrum Imagerを用いたEELSスペクトルの処理について
Cornell Spectrum Imager (CSI)…画像処理ソフトウェアであるImage Jを用いて、EELS / EDX / CLなどのスペクトル解析を行えるソフトウェアです。
How to use "Cornell Spectrum Imager"forEELS Spectrum (It's written in Japanese.)
Cornell Spectrum Imager (CSI) is a software for processing and analysis of hyperspectral data, such as EELS maps.
Retrieved from http://muller.research.engineering.cornell.edu/links