電子顕微鏡解析ステーション ナノ構造解析グループ

利用案内How to Use

I want to use TEM station equipment to perform my own experiment


機器利用・技術補助の流れ (課題採択後) Common Use・Technical Support flowchart (after subject acceptance)

Japanese ver. chart HERE 

※1 Standard samples will be used for “TEM Beginner Class Ⅰ& Ⅱ”, “TEM Basic Classes” and all FIB technical training.
  Your own sample cannot be used during above mentioned technical training.
※2 Experienced users of TEM are those who have already acquired the skills to learn in the beginner class I & II.
※3 A temporary class given mainly for those who haven’t passed the technical skills test.
※4 Even after getting the license, when you use our facilities with staff assistance, it will be regarded as “Technical Support”.