Development of electronic and optical functional materials for energy conservation and a safe and secure society
This center will carry out research and development aimed at maintaining the competitiveness of electronic and optical functional materials, which are the core technologies of Japan's material innovation, and acquiring unrivaled development capabilities.
In order to realize the sustainable development of mankind, the creation of material technology for the transformation of social systems is required. Reducing energy consumption by improving the efficiency of social systems is a necessary condition for sustainability. In addition, we will improve the sensitivity and reliability of sensor materials such as biosensors, chemical sensors, and infrared sensors, and promote the detoxification of these materials in order to build systems that provide safety and security to people's lives.
This center was launched in April 2023 with the start of the 4th medium- to long-term planning period (2023-2029) of the National Institute for Materials Science. As mentioned above, our current business is to develop high-performance functional materials that support the resolution of social issues faced by Japan, and more broadly humankind, and support people's enriched lives.
The center moves in two main directions. One is to carry out the tasks assigned to the center by the government. This is the basic work of NIMS, which includes human resource development, in addition to carrying out the projects that were established when the center was established. As we have created a tab here, activities related to human resource development at affiliated graduate schools are also important tasks for NIMS. The other type of research and development is carried out by the center and its members on their own in the form of projects commissioned by the government, subsidy projects, or collaborative research with companies. This will utilize NIMS's personnel and equipment to literally pursue research and development.
We have created this page to help as many people as possible understand the activities of this center and provide their cooperation. Please take a look whenever you have time. If you have any requests or inquiries regarding this center, or if you have any technical consultation, please feel free to contact us.
This research center is consisting of two research fileds and one operational room.
Access to Operational Office
Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials,
Collaborative Research Building, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba 305-0044, JAPAN