電子顕微鏡解析ステーション ナノ構造解析グループ

NEWS & EVENTSNews & Events

Notification of resumption of FIB training

電子顕微鏡解析ステーション ナノ構造解析グループをご利用の皆様


また、講習中はナノ構造解析グループで準備した標準試料を使用します。 試料の持ち込みはライセンス取得後となりますので、お急ぎの場合は技術代行をご利用ください。

新規ユーザー課題採択後の利用の流れ → FIB の利用者 (For Users of FIB)
ナノ構造解析グループにおける A・Bライセンス発行について


Nanostructural Characterization Group Users,

We will resume the FIB training from the 3rd week of May 2021. However, if Technical Surrogate Service could be used as much as possible, it would be appreciated.
Please note that we might provide Technical Surrogate Service instead of Common Use Service after hearing your needs because there are risks with close contact for lecturers during trainings, and FIB trainings could be postponed depending on the policy for the COVID-19.

The standard samples prepared by Nanostructural Characterization Group will be used during the technical trainings. You cannot use the sample of your own before getting the license. If you want to get data from the sample of your own soon, Technical Surrogate Service is recommended.

Procedure after Your Application was Adopted → FIB の利用者 (For Users of FIB)
A・B License issuance at Nanostructural Characterization Group

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

掲載日:2021年4月23日/Apr. 23rd, 2021