電子顕微鏡解析ステーション ナノ構造解析グループ


FIB 加工装置 (JIB-4000) Focused Ion Beam Systems

[設置部屋] 千現地区 精密計測実験棟115室/Location: Room115, Physical Analysis Laboratories Building
[メーカー] 日本電子/Maker: JEOL Ltd.


This is a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) system, which is used to prepare cross-sectional samples for TEM and SEM from the specific area on the bulk specimen. Using the Pick-up system, it is also possible to pick up the processed sample and attach it on a TEM mesh.
* Please kindly choose Pick-up System if necessary.


Ion Source Ga liquid-metal source
Acc. Voltage 1 to 30 kV (5kV step variable)
Magnification ×200 to ×300,000 (LOW MAG ×60)
SMax.Current 60nA (@30kV)
Best image resolution 5nm (@30kV)
Tilt angle ・-5~+60° (Bulk-specimen 5 axis goniometer stage)
・±60° (Side entry goniometer stage)
Sample movement ・X ±11mm, Y ±15mm (Bulk-specimen 5 axis goniometer stage)
・X Y ±1.2mm (Side entry goniometer stage)
Protection layer deposition (Carbon)
Sample holders ・Bulk-specimen holder (Bulk-specimen 5 axis goniometer stage) (Max: 28mm dia. ×7.5mm(thickness))
・Bulk-specimen holder (Side entry goniometer stage) (Max: 8×8×1(thickness) mm)
・TEM-compatible holder (Tip-on holder)
・Stage Navigation System

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