電子顕微鏡解析ステーション ナノ構造解析グループ


200kV 透過電子顕微鏡 (JEM-2100) 200kV Transmission Electron Microscope

[設置部屋] 千現地区 精密計測実験棟1階 119室
     Location: Room 119, Physical Analysis Laboratories Building
[メーカー] 日本電子/Maker: JEOL Ltd.

初心者にも使いやすい200kV透過電子顕微鏡です。LaB6電子銃を搭載し、TEMとEDS (点分析) が可能です。電子線回折図形が撮れるCCDカメラ(Gatan Orius200D) も装備しています。

This is a user-friendly 200 kV transmission electron microscope with LaB6 Thermal Emission Gun. It supports TEM, EDS (point analysis), and CBED mode. It is also equipped with a CCD camera for diffraction pattern.


TEM image (left) and diffraction pattern (right) ofTourmaline (mineral)

Type of electron gun LaB6
Acc. Voltage 200kV (80, 100, 120, 160 kV available)
Point / Lattice Resolution 0.25nm / 0.14nm
Spherical / Chromatic Aberration 1.4mm / 1.8mm
Sample Tilting Angle X : ±42°, Y : ±30°
NBD,CBED Functions
EDS: Spot analysis
CCD Camera 1: Maximum Pixel Size 4008 × 2672
CCD Camera 2: for Diffraction Pattern, Maximum Pixel Size 2048 × 2048
Special specimen holder: Heating specimen holder; Cooling specimen holder

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