Field Director, Quantum Materials Field, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
semiconductor, nanostructure, functional materials, energy-related materials
Research outline
Research on fundamental properties and applications of next-generation high-speed semiconductor transistors with low power consumption, and new energy-related materials based on functionalized semiconducting nanostructures and composite nanomaterials.
Research Interests
nanowires, nanocrystals, electronic devices, optical devices, quantum effect
Assigned university/courses
University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
PhD : Materials Science and Engineering
MSc : Applied Physics
Message to prospective students
We are interested in the synthesis, functionalization and characterizations of nanostructures and their use for device fabrication. Here, you can learn to apply advanced research techniques from the basics all the way to application. Let’s advance science by discovering new phenomena and creating new devices.
Research group website
Principal Researcher, Surface Quantum Phase Materials Group, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
semiconductor, nanomaterials, surface science, superconductivity
Research outline
Diamond has a wide range of potential applications including low-loss power conversion, high frequency amplifications, and quantum information processing. We are conducting research on fundamental electronic properties of diamond and device applications such as two-dimensional material/diamond heterostructures for novel functionalities.
Research Interests
two-dimensional materials, heterostructure, diamond, graphene, optoelectronic devices
Assigned university/courses
University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
PhD : Materials Science and Engineering
MSc : Applied Physics
Message to prospective students
NIMS has a long history of diamond research; for example, the basic model of a CVD system now widely used for diamond growth was invented in 1980's in NIRIM (former institute of NIMS). You can access advanced equipment and technical expertise for the discovery of novel phenomena in diamond and the development of new functional devices. Join us!
Research group website
Group Leader, Nanoparticle Group, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
optical materials, quantum dot, surface science, hybrid organic-inorganic materials
Research outline
Our goal is the fabrication of innovative "light-emitting and light?receiving devices" that contribute to a safety and security based society and its sustainable development. Controlling the quantized electron state in a nanocrystal, tunable light-emitting diodes and photodiodes are fabricated. Thermal phononics is also investigated for biomedical applications.
Research Interests
nanoparticle, light emitting diode, photodiode, bio-imaging, theranostics
Assigned university/courses
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Materials Chemistry and Engineering Course
Message to prospective students
Students will meet various opportunities to investigate how to synthesize colloidal nanocrystals, characterize their optical performances, functionalize their surfaces, and fabricate the optoelectronic devices including light-emitting diodes. For biomedical applications, students will prepare nanocrystals adapted for cellular uptake towards theranostics.
Administrative Office Chief, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
organic semiconductor, molecular electronics, thin film growth
Research outline
We are developing various electronic devices based on organic semiconductors and two-dimensional atomic films. We place emphasis on the exploring new functionality. Typical examples are optically-driven organic transistor, multivalued logic circuits and electron-tunneling manipulated by molecular functions.
Research Interests
organic transistor, self-assembly, two-dimensional atomic films, scanning tunneling microscopy, single-electron tunneling
Assigned university/courses
Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering
Department of Applied Chemistry
This professor no longer accept the new students.
Message to prospective students
We are not interested in the simple improvement of already-existing device performance, but importance is placed on the exploration of innovative device operation mechanism. We have been challenging to invent novel functional devices, even if the resulted properties are still preliminary.
KURODA Takashi
Group Leader, Quantum Photonics Group, Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
semiconductor, laser spectroscopy, photonics
Research outline
We aim to create optical functions and devices based on nanophotonics concept, with aide of advanced laser spectroscopy and theoretical analysis of new materials fabricated by our sophisticated lithography and original self-assembly technologies. Recently we have developped a quantum light source using quantum dots and a new IR laser using photonic crystal cavities.
Research Interests
semiconductor nanostructures, nonlinear spectroscopy, quantum information science
Assigned university/courses
Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering
Department of Applied Chemistry
Message to prospective students
Welcome motivated PhDs who wish to work on a "photon" with us!
Research group website
Principal Researcher, Nano Electronics Device Materials Group, Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
interface science, surface science, phoeoelectron spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation
Research outline
The physical property of matter is determined mainly by the electronic state and atomic structure. In our group, we use synchrotron radiation facility like SPring-8 (world's best synchrotron radiation facility), and investigate the electronic structures and atomic structures of new materials. We also elucidate static and dynamic processes of atomic structures and electronic states using operando methods like under device operation so that the nature of new materials is completely understood.
Research Interests
intetface physics, hard x-ray phoeoelectron spectroscopy, operando, interface state, power device
Assigned university/courses
Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering
Department of Applied Chemistry
Message to prospective students
A doctor course is the most precious period to grow up rapidly as a researcher, which will be the vital foundation in your future. In NIMS, you can perform various researches with high-level NIMS scientists to be one of the world's top researchers. We recruit students who can be enthusiastic about anything.
IDE Yusuke
Group Leader, Layered Nanochemistry Group, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
catalysis, nanomaterial, environment-related materials, energy-related materials
Research outline
With biologically safe and earth-abundant elements, we are developing materials for possible applications in energy, environments, and healthcare. A good example is an aqua-iron complex embedded in a porous silicate that can be used as cosmetics, sunscreen, and air purifiers.
Research Interests
porous material, minerals, catalysis, photocatalysis, UV shielding
Assigned university/courses
Yokohama National University Graduate School of Engineering Science
Department of Chemistry and Life Science
Message to prospective students
Let’s develop world-wide materials with safe and secure elements!
Group Leader, Qubit Materials Group, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
thin film and interface properties, mesoscopic physics, thin film crystal growth, electronic device materials, oxide electronics
Research outline
We focus on developing quantum electronics materials. To enhance the functionality and diversity of quantum devices, we study thin film processes and nano-fabrication techniques for new semiconductors and superconductors. The devices are finally evaluated in cryogenic measurement systems. We aim to advance quantum science and technology based on materials research.
Research Interests
quantum device, nanostructure fabrication, superconductor junction, topological electronic property, ultra-low temperature measurement
Assigned university/courses
Waseda University Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
Message to prospective students
Quantum devices are created and operated based on science and technology from various fields, such as physics, chemistry, materials science, and electrical engineering. We welcome students interested in working on quantum devices and collaborating with other researchers from different disciplines.
Research group website
TANG Daiming
Principal Researcher, Functional Nanomaterials Group, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science
Research field
thin film and interface properties, mesoscopic physics, thin film crystal growth, electronic device materials, oxide electronics
Research outline
We create nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) based on carbon nanotube (CNT) molecular junctions; elucidate the atomic mechanisms and physical properties by by advanced in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We aim to apply the CNT-NEMS nanodevices as terahertz (THz) resonators and quantum sensors operating at near room temperature.
Research Interests
nanotransistors, NEMS, molecular junctions devices, carbon nanotubes, in situ electron microscopy
Assigned university/courses
University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
PhD : Materials Innovation
MSc : Materials Innovation
Message to prospective students
Imagine, playing the smallest guitar (10-9 m), with the highest frequency (1012 Hz), resonating with quantum beats at room temperature. Interested in such kind of research? Let’s challenge and have fun together!