How to Apply

Entrance Examination for admission

Please apply directly to the university according to the application guidelines for the doctoral course. The guidelines are found on the Graduate School of Engineering Science website.

Student Recruitment 1st round 2nd round
Guidelines Release Available in mid April -
Pre-assessment of Applicants' Qualifications 13-15 May 2024 late November
Application Period 31 May - 6 June early December
University Entrance Examination 21-22 August mid-January
Result Announcement 5 September 2024 early February
University Enrollment October 2024 or April 2025 April 2025

How to Apply

Contact with potential prospective supervising professor

Applicants are to have earned or to be expected to have a master's degree or an equivalent by the date of admission.
See a list of faculty professors to find the matches between their research and your interested research field. Email the professor your CV with a cover letter expressing your interest in the research subject.

Prepare the application documents

Read the application guidelines on the university website carefully to prepare the application documents. The programs that the students have to enroll in are determined by the research fields of the professors. Please contact the professor prior to the application.

University application submission

Follow the university application guidelines and send the application documents to the university. These documents have to be arrived to the university during the application period.

University Entrance Examination

The university entrance exam takes place at Yokohama National University. The admission will be determined based on the interview and the application documents.


Enrollment procedure guidelines will be delivered to the successful applicants after the announcement of the exam result. Meanwhile, registration for National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) needs to be completed before the enrolment.