News 2019

welcome party held for dr. yuan and dr. nikam

A year-end party was held at a local restaurant to welcome two new postdoctoral researchers; Dr. Yuan from China and Dr. Nikam from India.

farewell tea party held for roda

A farewell tea party was held to say goodby to Roda, a trainee from the University of Toyo, who successfully completed her 83-day NIMS Internship Program.

The NIMs Summer Festival 2019 held at the Sengen site

Jennet and Roda, interns under the NIMS Internship Program, wore yukata to enjoy the traditional Japanese festival. Click to download a photo-collage

A party was held at a local izakaya restaurant

We welcomed new postdoctoral researcher Dr. Xiang wan and trainee Miss Roda Nur, and said a sad farewell to trainee Miss Jennet Rabo, who leaves NIMS after completing a 51 day internship program.

An article on the ionic decision-makers apperaed in the convergence (no. 27/march 2019)