TEM-EELS, high energy/spatial resolution analysis

  Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy is an effective tool as analytical TEM. Elemental and chemical bonding analysis can be performed with a high spatial resolution of TEM/STEM. We have developed/improved several methods of TEM-EELS, such as resolution enhancement by software, spatially-resolved EELS, etc. Please visit the other page of various EELS applciation.

STEM-ADF for precise crystal-structure analysis

  The characterization of nano-structure that realizes materials' properties is an ultimate objective of electron microscopy. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is an effective tool for microstructure analysis. Annular dark-field (ADF) imaging in STEM has several advantages such as compositional sensitivity and intuitive interpretability. Our purpose of this study is to develop the local crystal analysis based on the STEM.





Low-voltage high-resolution TEM: its assessment and application

  Low-voltage TEM is recently used for the characterization of nanomaterials (e.g., graphene), because of lower knock-on damage. Spherical aberration corrector allows us to observe with a high spatial resolution even in lower acceleration voltage. We perform the assessment of low-voltage TEM performance and its application to nanostructured materials such as TiO2 nanosheet.




Scripting on DigitalMicrograph for advanced electron microscopy


  Recent electron microscopes can be controlled by users through a simple software technique, called scripting. Microscope manufacturers and attachment developers provide us their scripting platforms. We use a software, DigitalMicrograph (Gatan), to develop in-house functions for experiments and analyses.





Magnetic domain observation using Lorentz microscopy

  Strongly-correlated-electron materials, such as manganese oxide, have been attracting a lot of attention because of their unusual electron-transport and magnetic properties, e.g. colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) and charge-ordering (CO). Magnetic domains in ferromagnetic phase strongly affect magnetic and electronic properties; therefore it should be observed. Lorentz microscopy can visualize magnetic domains with high spatial resolution, and it also allows us to identify CO area on the basis of conventional TEM techniques, such as dark-field TEM imaging. We have reported various magnetic domain structures and their temperature dependence using low-temperature dedicated Lorentz microscopy.
