- 2011.12.21
Functional nanomaterials doped polymer nanowires synthesized by a pulsed laser irradiation
-Effective approach for development of molecular devises-
- 2011.12.19
Success in Synthesis of New High Performance Functional Material Mesoporous Prussian Blue
-Improvement of Cesium Adsorption Performance by Increasing Surface Area-
- 2011.12.15
Development of “Matrix” Material Controlling Differentiation of Stem Cells
-Contribution to Elucidation of the Induction Mechanism of Stem Cells into Specific Organs in Regenerative Medicine-
- 2011.11.02
World-First Demonstration of Zero-Resistance Monatomic Surface Material
-Contribute to Developments of Superconducting Devices-
- 2011.09.21
Ultra-fast forming organic conductive material
-For low cost 3D micro wiring in advanced electronics-
- 2011.08.10
- 2011.07.20
World Highest Performance Nanodielectrics
- Tailor-Made Nanocrystals via Controlled Nanoscale Doping -
- 2011.07.15
Novel Approach to Designing Nanostructured Reduced Titanium Oxides for A Wide Range of Applications
-Toward artificial photosynthesis and alternative materials to precious metals -
- 2011.06.27
New Brain-type Device with Human-like Memorizing and Forgetting Behavior
-A Single Artificial Device Realizes Complex Biological Synaptic Behavior-
- 2011.05.06
Chemical Wiring and Soldering of Single Molecules
-Toward All-Molecule Electronic Circuitry-
- 2011.02.08
Successful Development of Highly Sensitive General-Purpose Sensor
-For Medical, Biological, Security, and Environmental Applications-
- 2011.02.04
Success in Clarifying Behavior of Impurities in Silicon Nanowire with Diameter of 1/50,000mm
-Toward Realization of Next-Generation Type Transistors and Nanowire Photovoltaic Cell Materials-
- 2011.01.19
- 2011.01.11
- 2011.01.10