Success in Synthesis of New High Performance Functional Material Mesoporous Prussian Blue
-Improvement of Cesium Adsorption Performance by Increasing Surface Area-
A research team headed by Dr. Yusuke Yamauchi, MANA Independent Scientist at the NIMS, succeeded in fabricating mesoporous Prussian Blue (PB), in which an extremely large number of nanosized pores (mesoporous) are formed in the crystal structure of the material. In the future, tests of these materials as adsorbents will be conducted and development will be carried out with the aim of simplifying the process. As a result, development approaching practical applications, beginning with application to mass production, is expected.
Further information
Ming Hu1, Shuhei Furukawa2, 3, Ryo Ohtani4, Hiroaki Sukegawa5, Yoshihiro Nemoto1, Julien Reboul2, 3, Susumu Kitagawa2, 3, 4, Yusuke Yamauchi1, 6, 7
- International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (WPI-MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
- iCeMS, Kyoto University
- Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
- Spintronics Group, Magnetic Materials Unit, NIMS
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University