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ResearchIonic Devices Group

Development of Novel Ionic Devices Enabling Diverse Functions such as Artificial Intelligence

Importance of high performance and new functional devices operating on new principles

Many electronic devices, the majority of which are semiconductor-based, are used in familiar information and communications equipment. Although semiconductor devices continue to achieve astonishing progress, supported by technical developments in miniaturization and integration, there are fears that this progress may slow in the near future. To ensure sustained progress toward a next-generation advanced information society, we should actively create devices that operate on principles different from those of conventional semiconductor devices, and thereby realize novel functions and higher performance. We are focusing on the development of ionic devices to realize such novel devices.

Nanoarchitectonics utilizing ion transport in solids

The operation principle of ionic devices, which differs from that of conventional semiconductor devices, is to control the transport of ions (atoms) that form crystal lattices on the nano to atomic scales. By controlling the transport of ions, which are much larger in mass and size, it is possible reconfigure the crystal structure and composition of materials, and achieved reversible architecture, that is "Ionic Nanoarchitectonics". The nanoarchitectonics gives ionic devices plasticity, allowing them to change their structures and functions as needed by applying external voltage. Because such plasticity is an important feature of the synaptic function of the human brain, ionic devices are also expected to be applied to artificial intelligence field.

Specialized Research Field

Fig. 1 Research and development of various functional ionic devices using ionic nanoarchitectonics by ion transport in solids

Fig. 1 Research and development of various functional ionic devices using ionic nanoarchitectonics by ion transport in solids

Our group aims to create ionic devices that realized a variety of novel functions through solid-state ionics and nanotechnology. Fig. 1 shows our research guidelines. By utilizing ionic nanoarchitectonics, based the on local ion transfer in ionic conductors, we create ionic devices that enable novel functions and high performance that is not possible with conventional semiconductor devices. Examples include atomic switches, artificial five-sense devices, decision-making devices, and superconducting devices that can modulate transition temperature. Furthermore, based on basic development of these ionic devices, we will actively promote practical applications through joint research with related companiess. In particular, we aim to create ionic neuromorphic devices and circuits that mimic the intelligence functions of human brain and five senses, and in future to develop technologies for AI systems for information processing terminals and autonomous robots using these devices and circuits through external collaboration.

Group Members

TERABE, Kazuya

TERABE, Kazuya

Group Leader
Senior Scientist with Special Missions



Chief Researcher



Principal Researcher

Wataru Namiki

Wataru Namiki


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