Support System

Attractive Research Environment

In order to create one of the world's premier research centers with "global visibility", the following excellent management will be strongly promoted at MANA.

Melting Pot

Melting pot environment has characteristics of In4 ("International", "Interdesciplinary", "Independent", "Innovative"). It is of great importance to foster world-top level researchers.

Melting pot environment

MANA provides a "melting pot" environment for gathering researchers of different fields, cultures, and nationalities in one space, based on the know-how accumulated in the operation of the NIMS International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS) since 2003.

  • To foster this melting pot environment more and more, MANA will increase the number of foreigners to over 50% of the MANA researchers
  • The convergence of various research fields in the melting pot environment at MANA will create new research seeds for innovation.

  • Fostering young scientists
    Coffee Break

    Coffee Break
    Inspiring each other with mutual communication at the coffee break every afternoon.

  • Young researchers in MANA will be involved in interdisciplinary research in the 3D system with Double-affiliations (MANA and a satellite or affiliated institution), Double-discipline (double specializations), and Double-mentors.
    Two mentors, such as two outstanding Principal Investigators, and visiting advisors, provide young researchers advice on research.
  • Young scientists benefit from international collaboration, such as summer school, internatinal symposium/workshop.
  • MANA Seminar

    MANA Seminar
    MANA Seminar given every week by MANA researchers, visiting outstanding researchers, etc,


    Mentor / Visiting Advisor
    Young scientis getting advice from visiting advisor, such as Prof. Kroto, Nobel Prize Winner.

    International Symposium

    International Symposium
    Having MANA International Symposium every year.

    Summer School

    Summer School
    Having Nanotechnology Summer School with USA, UK every summer.

    Full support in English

  • MANA will achieve interantionalization at all levels, using English as a common Language.
  • Technical and administrative staff, fluent in English, will assist foreign researchers.
  • Moreover, MANA has the following system which eliminates the barries of language and nationality.
    • Use of English for information on Web and intranet in MANA
    • Use of English in documents related to administrative procedures, etc.
    • Information in English about external funds
    • English-language orientation for non-Japanese researchers
    • English-language support by administrative staff and research support staff
    • Japanese culture classes
    • Research/daily life guidebook in English

    Support for innovation

  • MANA will foster technology transfer through acquisition of patents. NIMS administrative staff will assist to apply patents.
  • MANA will return research outcome to society through collaboration with industry, such as NIMS evening seminara, etc.