2DGM Group

Japanese page is here.



We are actively recruiting motivated students with an interest in nanoscience and a passion for pioneering a new field, regardless of experience. If you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in our group, please contact us (KITAURA.Ryo@nims.go.jp). We can accepte students through the Joint Graduate School Program in NIMS. We are recruiting postdocs as well. We can help you to prepare the application form for JSPS Postdoctoral fellowships.

Research Interest

Electrons and phonons confined in low-dimensional nanostructures respond differently to external stimuli, leading to phenomena that are distinctly different from those in bulk materials. Low-dimensional nanostructures, therefore, provide a fascinating platform for exploring novel phenomena. To explore these possibilities, our research activities have focused on

  1. Preparation of low-dimensional nanostructures using advanced thin film growth techniques
  2. Design and fabrication of nanodevices using state-of-the-art microfabrication techniques
  3. Exploration of novel phenomena through advanced spectroscopic measurements
We work on various one- or two-dimensional nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes, graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides and their heterostructures. Our goal is to open up the next generation of nanoscience with open-minded thinking that is not limited by conventional frameworks such as physics and chemistry.


Kozawa participated in the 7th 2.5D Materials Science Conference held at Kyoto University Uji Campus on June 14 and 15, and gave an oral and a poster presentation and chaired a session. It was a good opportunity to start collaborative research.
We submitted a paper of Mr. Zhang (D3). This paper is on the application of Bayesian optimization to crystal growth of 2D materials, and this is a collaboration with Dr. Tamura (NIMS).
Kitaura gave an invited talk at Frontiers of Emergent Quantum Phenomena: Superconducting Junctions, Edge Conduction, and Enions held at the Institute for Basic Physics, Kyoto University. Thank you very much to Dr. Hashizaka for the invitation.
Amelie Deshazer from the University of Wisconsin-Madison has started a 3-month summer internship as part of the IRTE program. Welcome to the Two-dimensional Quantum Materials Group!
Oviya from Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has started a 3-month summer internship under the NIMS Internship program. Welcome to the 2D Quantum Materials Group!
Kitaura gave an invited talk at Tokyo Metropolitan University as 2024 Nanoscience Seminar @ TMU. Thank you Miyata-san for kind invitation.
Zhang's paper has been submitted. The paper is about crystal growth in two-dimensional materials and applies hydrodynamic simulations in addition to experiments.
We submitted a paper of Dr. Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow. The paper is on photovoltaics in strained 2D semiconductors.
Mr. Xue (D3) gave an oral presentation at the APS March Meeting 2024 on the observation of Rydberg states of excitons by gated modulation reflection spectroscopy.
Mr. Zhang (D3) gave an oral presentationat the 66th FNTG Symposium on the application of Bayesian optimization to crystal growth of two-dimensional materials. Postdoctoral fellow Zhang also gave a poster presentation on bulk photovoltaics.
A cryostat (CryoAdvance 50) for microspectroscopy has been installed. We will assemble the optical system as soon as possible and use it for various spectroscopic experiments at cryogenic temperatures.

Photo of CryoAdvance50 installed on optical table
The results of joint research with Dr. Iwasaki (the Quantum Bit Materials Group) have been accepted by JJAP. The results are related to the detection of near infrared light using graphene FET devices.
WPI-MANA introduction video is now available on youtube. Mr. Okuda (M2) from our research group appears in the video.
Dr. C. V. Ruben, who was a postdoctoral fellow in our group (now at IMaSS, Nagoya University), has just published a paper on the modulation of optical properties by TMD-molecule interactions.
Prof. Eda from the National University of Singapore (NUS) visited us and we had a useful discussion about research on 2D systems.
After attending a lecture by Professor Manish Chhowalla of Cambridge University, we took him on a lab tour and had discussion. Thank you for visiting us!
Kitaura attended and gave a lecture at 学術変革領域 領域会議 of "2.5D Materials Science" held at Nagoya University.
A Ti:sapphire ultrashort pulse laser (Mai Tai HP) has been delivered. It will be used for SHG microscopy in addition to various time-resolved spectroscopy in the future.

Photo of Mai Tai HP installed on optical table
MANA International Symposium 2023にて講演を行いました。
Kitaura gave a lecture at "13th A3 Symposium on emerging materials" held at Korea Univ. in Korea. We are very grateful to our hosts, Dr. Jeon and Dr. Gong (Korea Univ.).
Kitaura gave a lecture at the interdisciplinary meeting Interdisciplinary Research Organization for Advanced Interdisciplinary Study, Osaka University, Spin Interdisciplinary Division held at Osaka University. Thank you very much to Prof. Matsuno and other professors for inviting me.
Kitaura attended the 84th Autumn Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied Physics held at Kumamoto Castle Hall. I enjoyed many high-level lectures at the symposium, which I organized as one of the organizers this time.
Kitaura attended the 65th Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Graphene held at the Nishijin Plaza of Kyushu University. Two stutends from our group gave presentations and Kitaura also served as the chairperson.
Kitaura gave an invited lecture at the 65th KVS Summer Annual Conference and IFFFM 2023 in Jeju, Korea.
Xue's paper about Gate-modulated reflectance spectroscopy has just been accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett. This paper was selected as Editor's pick!

the optical system used and a typical GM spectrum
Kitaura and Kozawa gave presentations in 1st Nanocarbon meeting in 2023. We enjoied presentations, discussion, and Hot spring a lot!
Kitaura gave a talk in 75th MANA Research Seminar.
Ruben's paper has been accpeted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. C
Urano's paper about assesment of valley coherence has been accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Exp.
Kitaura gave an invited talk in NT23(Arcachon, France). Along with the conference, I also greatly enjoyed the great ocean view location.

We had a launch party for our move from Nagoya to Tsukuba at a pub in Tsukuba station. We will now be busy re-launching our laboratory.

Ruben's paper was accepted for publication in Nanoscale.
Our paper on one-dimensional hole injection into MoS2 has been accepted for publication in JJAP. This paper is mainly based on theoretical calculations and was done in collaboration with Dr. Okada and Dr. Gao in Tsukuba University. Our contribution is to show that the nanostructures assumed in the theoretical calculations can actually be realized. This paper was selected as "spotlights 2023"!
A paper has been accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Exp.! The paper reports on an attempt to generate one-dimensional trions using carbon nanotubes as ultrafine gate electrodes.
I gave an invited talk at MNC 2022. Although it was a hectic one-night stay, I enjoyed both the conference and the food in Tokushima.
I gave an invited talk at 12th A3 Symposium on Emerging Materials:Nanomaterials for Electronics, Energy, and Environment. Unfortunately, Chinese researchers attended as online presentors, but I had a great exchange with Korean researchers in both discussion and reception. Thank you to Prof. Noda of Waseda University for organizing this event.

Mr. Zhang presenting his recent work
I attended the "PRESTO" meeting and presented my recent results. It was the first face-to-face meeting since the beginning of PRESTO, and it was nice to meet in person with people I had only known online.
I gave a talk at the area meeting of the Area of Scientific Transformation (A) 2.5D Materials Science. I was greatly inspired by the wide variety of presentations covering physics, chemistry, fundamentals, and applications. I would like to thank the organizer, Dr. Ueno (Hokkaido University), for his support.
A paper on atomic-scale two-dimensional junction structures, which was led by master's course graduate Ichise, has been published in arXiv. I am deeply moved by the completion of this research, which began with the development of the apparatus and took many years to complete. This research was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Maruyama and Dr. Okada of Tsukuba University, Dr. Liu of AIST, and Dr. Taniguchi and Dr. Watanabe of NIMS.

A schematic image of an ultrathin two-dimensional junction structure
I gave an invited tail at SSDM about「Heterostructures based on two-dimensional materials」. I participated online, but I had a lot from the many questions and comments I received. Thank you very much to Mr. Nakaharai (NIMS) for taking care of the session.
I gave an invited talk at JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2022. It took me a while to get a sense of what it was like to give a face-to-face presentation for the first time in a while, but I am glad that we had an active Q&A session.
I attended the 2022 annual meeting of the Physical Society of Japan. Although I just chaired a sesion and did not give a presentation, it was useful to hear about a wide range of topics, including recent developments in moire systems.
I attended the FNTG General Symposium (Tokyo Metropolitan University). I chaired two sessions and gave one poster presentation (on valley coherence in high quality samples). In addition, Mr. Okuda (M1) and Mr. Xue (D1) presented on the same topic as the NanoCarbon Research Meeting.
I participated in the 1st NanoCarbon Research Meeting and presented our results on the photovoltaic effect as an invited talk. Mr. Okuda (M1) and Mr. Xue (D1) also presented their work about "the development of a new strain application method" and "the observation of trion microstructures by gate modulation spectroscopy", respectively.
We have submitted a Ruben'spaper. The paper is about an attempt to convert two-dimensional semiconductors to one-dimensional semiconductors.
We have submitted a paper by Ruben, a former postdoc. This research is on an application of two-dimensional semiconductors to coronavirus sensors.
A paper by our graduates, Dr. Hotta and Ms. Nakajima, has just been publised in arXiv. This paper shows "the first successful trion confinement by CNTs local gates" and is a collaboration study with Prof. Maruyama and Prof. Chitose at the Univ. of Tokyo, Prof. Inoue at Osaka Univ., and Prof. Taniguchi and Prof. Watanabe at NIMS.

a schematic representation of trion confinement by a CNT local gate
I am going to join "2.5D Materials Science: Paradigm Shift of Materials Science toward future Social Innovation". I am looking foward to working with other members of this research group!

I gave an invited talk (online) at 241th ECS meeting.
I have started a new research group at the International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) in the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). The Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, will continue until the end of this fiscal year on a cross-appointment basis.

I gave a presentation at the "さきがけ領域会議", and was greatly inspired by the wide range of lectures over the two days.
I gave a lecture at the Nano Carbon Research Meeting held in Atami, Japan. We enjoyed hot springs as well as lectures and discussions at the first face-to-face meeting in a long time.
Ms. Nanami Ichinose (2nd year, master course) won the Young Scientist Incentive Award at the 62nd Symposium on Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Graphene!

I gave an invited lecture at Kyoto University iCeMS. I enjoyed the lecture and the dinner afterwards very much. Thank you very much to Prof. Kitagawa for inviting me and to Prof. Ohtake for all his help.

I made a presentation at the review of continuing proposals for the AIST-Nagoya University Alliance Project, and it was successfully accepted. Thank you very much.
I gave a talk at the kick-off meeting of the project "Bandgap Engineering Based on the Creation of Novel Semiconductors," which was selected as one of JST's V4-Japan projects. The joint research project with researchers in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia will start in earnest.
I gave an invited talk at Pacifichem. Thank you for inviting me!
Prof. Lim (TMU) gave a lab seminar for us. Thank you for the fruitful lecture, including the latest results and encouragement of students.
I gave an invited talk at the 11th A3 symposium on emerging materials. Thank you for inviting me!
I gave an invited talk at 酸化グラフェン研究会. Let me thank the organizers, including Prof. Hayami and Prof. Hatakeyama, for inviting me.
A collaboration work with Prof. Nagashio has just appeared on the Appl. Phys. Exp. website.
Our research proposal has just been accepted by "公益財団法人カシオ科学振興財団".
Our work about the development of a post-doping technique has just appeared on the ACS Nano website.
I gave a seminar at Miyata laboratory (TMU).
A review paper about one-dimensional moire superlattices has just appeared on the Advanced Science web page.
Prof. Kiriya from Osaka Prefecture Univ. gave us a seminar. Thank you for the wonderful talk!
I gave an invited talk at WPI-MANA Virtual City of Workshops as one of MANA special seminars. Let me thank the organizers, including Prof. Nakayama, for giving me an opportunity to introduce our recent work.
A collaboration work with Prof. Okada, Prof. Maruyama, and Dr. Hisama has just beens accepted for publication in JJAP.
I gave an invited talk at International Workshop on Materials Science. Let me thank the organizers, including Prof. Kiriya, D. and Prof. Prassides, K., for giving me a chance to introduce our recent work about mix-dimensional systems.
Our work about the development of a post-doping technique has just been accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Let me thank collaborators involved in this work: Prof. Miyata in TMU, Dr. Liu and Dr. Irisawa in AIST, Prof. Okada and Prof. Maruyama in Univ. of Tsukuba, and Dr. Taniguchi and Dr. Watanabe in NIMS.
Our proposal about developing novel luminescent materials has been accepted as one of the projects for Advanced Materials under the Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP) framework. I am going to lead international research teams composed of Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, and Polish researchers.
I have just finished intensive lecture about low-dimensional systems at Nagoya City University.
I gave a presentation, "The thinnest material in the world," to high school students.
Our research proporsal about single-photon emission from 2D crystals (Challenging Research (Exploratory)) has just been accepted.
A review paper on 1D moire systems have been published in arXiv.
"マイクロ・ナノ熱工学の進展" has just been published! I have written one of the chapters of the book.
Our paper on a post-doping method for two-dimensional TMDs was published in arXiv. This is a collaboration work with Prof. Miyata in TMU, Dr. Liu and Dr. Irisawa in AIST, Prof. Okada and Prof. Maruyama in Univ. of Tsukuba, and Dr. Taniguchi and Dr. Watanabe in NIMS.

Nb-doped monolayer WSe2 (taken by Dr. Liu)
A collaboration work with Prof. Koyama and Prof. Kishida was accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B!
A collaboration work with the Prof. N. Tagmatarchis's group was accepted for publication in Nanoscale!
I gave an invited talk at a symposium "Future of Trans-dimensional materials" in the 101th Spring Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan. Thank you for inviting me!!
A work on covalently functionalized MoS2 has just been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem.! This is a collaboration work with the Prof. N. Tagmatarchis's group at the Institute of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, National Hellenic Research Foundation (Greece).
Our paper on development of "the graphene-capping-assisted AFM nano-squeezing (GCAN) method" and optical spectroscopy of ultraflat semiconductors has just been accepted for publication in ACS Nano!

Dr. Hotta and the microspectroscopy system used in this work
Our paper on the microscopic mechanism of vdW epitaxy has just been accepted for publication in ACS Omega!

Dr. Okada with a microspectroscopy system
My research proposal have been selected as one of "さきがけ" project!
We have performed APRES measurements at SPring-8.

Mr. Murai doing transfer of a sample to the main chamber, and ARPES analyser
A paper on visualization of molecular orbitals is published in Crystals. Results on a single crystal of C60 we provided is reported in this paper.
A paper on the importance of the dark states in PL of monolayer WS2 has just been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B! This work is a collaboration work with Dr. Kuroda, Dr. Watanabe, Dr. Taniguchi at NIMS, Prof. Hoshi at Tokyo City University, and Prof. Masufushi, Prof. Machida at The Univ. of Tokyo.
Dr. Hotta gave a speech at the graduation ceremony!

Dr. Hotta after the graduation ceremony.
Our paper on exciton diffusion in a hBN/MoSe2/hBN has been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B!

Dr. Hotta with the optical system for producing gaussian beams used for this work.
The 1st Ruben's paper has been accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.! Congrats!
A focused review paper on two-dimensional heterostructures (in Japanese) has been published in ceramics.
I have submitted an article on low-dimensional nanostructures to a domestic journal, ceramics.
Our paper on formation of biexcitons in an ultra-flat monolayer MoSe2 was published in arXiv. This is a collaboration work with Prof. Ueno in Saitama Univ., Dr. Taniguchi and Dr. Watanabe in NIMS, Dr. Okada in AIST.
Our paper on low-frequency Raman spectroscopy of a van der Waals heterostructure has just published in JJAP! This work is a collaboration work with Prof. Saito at Gakushuin University.
The 1st Ruben's paper has just been submitted!
Our paper on van der Waals heteroepitaxy was published in arXiv. This is a collaboration work with Prof. Okada and Prof. Maruyama in Univ. of Tsukuba, Prof. J. Warner in UT Austin and Prof. Taniguchi and Prof. Watanabe in NIMS.
Our paper on exciton diffusion was published in arXiv. This is a collaboration work with Prof. Matsuda, Prof. Miyauchi, Prof. Shinokita in Kyoto Univ. and Prof. Ueno in Saitama Univ. and Prof. Taniguchi and Prof Watanabe in NIMS.
The MOCVD setup in our lab. have just been updated; a load-lock chamber and a glove box have been successfully added.
A grant proposal I submitted have just been accepted!
Our paper on electronic structure of double-wall CNTs have just appeared at the PRL web cite! This paper was selected as an editors' suggestion as follows!
Our paper on electronic structure of double-wall CNTs is accepted for publication in PRL! This is a collaboration work with Prof. Koshino (Osaka Univ.), Prof. Moon (NYU Shanghai), and Prof. Matsuda and Miyauchi (Kyoto Univ.). Thank you for giving me a chance to have such wounderful collaboration!
I have performed ARPES measurements of two-dimensional heterostructures at SPring-8 BL25SU. Although measurements of small flakes were not easy, we found important factors to make measurements successful.
I have joined a joint-meeting on two-dimensional nanomaterials with Takenobu lab. and Miyata lab.
I gave an invited talk at the VBL symposium at Nagoya University. Thank you for inviting me!
I gave an invited talk at the 10th A3 symposium on emerging materials. I have joined a lab. tour of the research group led by Prof. Lee at SKKU, and I was deeply impressed by their well-equipped laboratory, where a lot of researchers and students are working on two-dimensional materials.
Dr. Ruben Canton Vitoria, who have obtained PhD at Crete University, has joined our group as a posdoc!
Our proposal for a new CREST project have been accepted!
I have finished writing a review paper on MBE growth of 2D materials. The paper will be published in Vacuum and Surface Science.
The 58th FNTG general symposium (I am one of the local organizers) have finished. Three students have presented their works at the meeting.
I gave an invited talk at the zao19 meeting. I have presented three unpublished ongoing works. I was happy to hear positive responses to our ongoing works. Thank you for inviting me!
I attended a CREST meeting held at Kyoto Univ. This was a good chance to know problems that should be solved to make the CREST project succesful.
I gave an invited talk at "Post-graphene materials and their device applications". Thank you for inviting me!
Our paper titled "Momentum-forbidden dark excitons in hBN-encapsulated monolayer MoS2" is now available online at the web site of npj 2D Materials and applications!
I gave an invited talk at NN19-nanotexnology. Thank you for giving me lots of questions on my presentation!
A PhD sutudent, Hotta, obtained a poster award at NU-UoE JD JSPS Core-to-Core Joint-Workshop on "New Horizons in Chemistry and Materials Science"!

Our paper on electronic structure of double-wall carbon nanotubes was published in arXiv. We have succesfully observed moire-potential-induced alternation of electronic structure of a DWCNT.
Dr. N. Goodfriend have just started to stay our lab. for a collaboration work on development of a novel transfer technique for multiple heterostacks of 2D crystals.
Our paper on electronic structure of hBN-encapsulated MoS2 was accepted for publication in npj 2D Materials and Applications!
I gave an invited talk on two-dimensional superlattices at an international symposium held at Sun Yat-sen University. Thank you for inviting me!
Our paper on STM/STS observations of grain boundaries in monolayer MoS2 was published at Frontiers in Physics web site.
Our paper on electronic structure of hBN-encapsulated MoS2 was published in arXiv. We found existense of a stable momentum-forbidden dark state in hBN-encapsulated MoS2.
Dr. N. Goodfriend have started to stay our lab. for a collaboration work on development of a novel transfer technique for multiple heterostacks of 2D crystals.
Mr. Hotta have gotten the poster award at JSAP!

The title of his presentation is "Exciton diffusion in hBN/MoSe2/hBN". Congrats!
I gave an invited talk at FNTG symposium. Thank you very much for inviting me!
I gave an invited talk at Nanocarbon meeting at Fukushima prefecture. I enjoyed both talks and hot spring!
I have visitted Chiashi/Maruyama Lab. and Nagashio Lab. at Univ. of Tokyo to have discussion on possible collaboration works. Thank you for taking your precious time for me!
I have visitted Matsuda Lab. at Kyoto Univ. to have discussion on the collaboration work on exciton diffusion in a high-quality 2D material.
I gave talks at NTT basic research laboratory and Tokyo Metropolitan University. It was first time for me to give two separated talks in one day. I have spent fruitful time at both places. Thank you all!
I gave an invited talk at the symposium on 2D materials supported by The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science. Thank you for inviting me!
Dr. Tsukahara visited us from Tohoku University and gave a talk on STM characterization of magnetic molecules on surface. We had fruitful discussion on possible future collaborations.
Dr. N. Goodfriend have visited us to have discussion on a future collaboration work on 2D materials.
I gave an invited talk at the 9th A3 symposium on emerging materials. I enjoyed both scientific discussion and "the hard drinking"!
We (Prof. Takenobu, Prof. Miyata, and me) hosted a joint meeting on low-dimensional nanomaterials.
Mr. Hotta have been selected as a JSPS fellowship! Congrats!
I gave an invited talk at the 31th symposium of Japanese Ceramic society.
Our collaboration paper on PL intensity of super-acid-treated MoS2 was published in Langmuir!
We invited Dr. J. Pu from takenobu laboratory to give a seminor on light-emitting diode with 2D materials. Thank you for the nice talk!
I I gave an invited talk at the ATI NanoCarbon Zao Meeting 2018.
I gave an invited talk at one of the NT parallel Symposia at Peking University. After the talk, I visited Prof. K. Liu at Peking Univ., and I have been impressed by wel-organized setups very much.
Our collaboration work (with Prof. E. Campbell at Edinburgh Univ.) on laser-induced transfer was published in Nanotechnology! For details, please see here.
Our collaboration work with Prof. Hoshi and Prof. Machida was published in Phys. Rev. Mater. For details, please see here.
We hosted a symposium as a part of "Enabling Excellence Japan-Europ Workshop". Researchers and PhD students from England, Spain, France, and Greece, have visited Nagoya Univ. to have a two-days symposium. Thank you all for visiting us!
Our collaboration paper with Prof. Miyata was published in Sci. Rep.! For details, please see here.
The Hotta's poster award from the IGER Annual Meeting 2017 was highlighted at Facebook page of SATL!
I had attended the APS march meeting 2018 and the 54th FNTG Symposium. I was very much impressed by the work on the magic-angle bilayer graphene. Two nature papers have just appered at the same time in nature: (1, 2).
Our paper on interlayer excitons appeared at the ACS web site.
2018-2-19, 20, 21
I gave a talk at the final meeting of SATL. The five-years project on atomic layers has been one of the sources of inspiration. Thank you all for having lots of discussions!
I gave an invited talk ato the 2nd Nanocarbon meeting.
Our work on MBE was highlighted at the Fecabook page of SATL!
Our paper on "Direct and Indirect interlayer excitons in a van der Waals heterostructure of hBN/WS2/MoS2/hBN" was accepted for publication in ACS Nano!
Mr. Hotta got a Poster Award in the IGER Annual Meeting 2017! Congrats!
I gave an talk at a meeting on molecular architectonics held at Ehime University.
We (Prof. Kusunoki, Prof. Takenobu, Prof. Ohno, and me) hosted a India-Japan Joint international symposium at Nagoya Univ., and I gave a talk at the last day of the symposium.
I gave an invited talk at the A3 Symposium on Emerging Materials. I was very much impressed by high-quality works reported by active chinese and korean young researchers.
I gave an invited talk at "the 2nd meeting on froitier of low-dimensional nanomaterials".
I gave an invited talk at ICMaSS2017.
Our paper on STS/STM was published in J. Phys. Chem. C. For details, please see here.
I gave a talk at a cross-disciplinary Network for Young Scientists. This is supported by Toyota Riken.
A collaboration paper with Prof. Hishikawa was puclished in Chem. Lett.  For details, please see here.
I gave an invited talk at "The NT conference meetings disseminate the latest advances in the science and applications of low dimensional systems(NT17)".
I gave a lecture at Meiwa high school as a part of SSH special lectures on science.
I gave an talk at 8th meeting on molecular architectonics.
Our paper on exciton-exciton annihilation was published in Phys. Rev. B. (collaboration work with Prof. Hoshi and Prof. Machida at Univ. of Tokyo). For details, please see here.
I gave an talk at the meeting on "Valley-spin photonics with atomic layers" at Kyoto Univ.
Our collaboration paper on hBN-Graphene hybrid layers was published in Appl. Phys. Exp. For details, please see here.
CSJ current review "Science of two-dimensional materials" was published!
Mr. Hotta's master thesis (title: MBE growth of NbSe2 atomic layers) was awarded Tokai Branch Chief Award!
Our paper on biexciton emission was published at Scientific Reports, 7, 322 (2017)!
I gave an invited talk at the International Workshop on 2D materials and Devices beside Platanus.
I gave a public lecture on "Science of ultathin materials" at Nagoya University as a part of the Nagoya Univ. open lecture.
I gave an invited talk at Tokyo Univ. of Science.
A mini review paper (in Japanese) is published at OYO BUTURI vol. 86(3).
I gave an invited talk at the 1st user's meeting of High Voltage Electron Microscope Laboratory, Nagoya University.
I gave a talk at a meeting of "Science of Atomic Layers".


Group Info.

National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA, Transport access, Promo video)
Two-dimensional Quantum Materials (2DQM)

Researchers in 2DQM

北浦良(Kitaura, Ryo)
SAMURAI, Researcher ID, Research Gate
小澤大知(Kozawa, Daichi)
SAMURAI, Personal Page

