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Daichi Kozawa

Daichi Kozawa

Quantum Engineering of Low-Dimensional Materials

Our research is conducted at the intersection of nanotechnology, materials science, and photophysics. We intoroduce quantum nanostructures in one- and two-dimensional materials such as carbon nanotubes and atomically thin layers to understand the physical phenomena. Our goal is to apply these insights to quantum techonology, aiming to enrich our lives.

A carbon nanotube with a diameter of 1 nm, suspended across a trench

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Nan publishes his work on interface excitons in mixed-dimensional heterostructures in Nature Communications
interface excitons in mixed-dimensional heterostructures Nan’s paper on interface excitons in mixed-dimensional heterostructures is published in Nature Communications.
Preprint on upconversion photolulminescence in carbon nanotubes
Our preprint is available in arXiv.
Shun publishes his work on van der Waals decoration of ultra-high-Q silica microcavities in Nano Letters
van der Waals Decoration of Ultra-High-Q Silica Microcavities Shun’s paper on van der Waals decoration of ultra-high-Q silica microcavities is published in Nano Letters.
Awarded from Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) from JSPS
We are awarded Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) Science of 2.
Awarded from The Canon Foundation
We are awarded a grant of Science and Technology that Create New Industries from The Canon Foundation!
Dr. Iwasaki publishes his work on photothermoelectric effect detection in JJAP
A schematic cross-section of our device and the drain current as a function of the gate voltage.