What's New!!
- 2025.01.06
- Talluri Manoj, Post-doc Researcher, joined as a new member.
- 2024.10.01
- J. Song becomes a Post-doc Researcher, and T. R. Kakinada, Graduate Student, joined as a new member.
- 2024.09.02
- T. Ma, Post-doc Researcher, joined as a new member.
- 2024.07.13
- Spintronics Group page has been renewed.
- 2023.06.28
- Naoko Yoshimoto, Technical staff, joined as a new member.
- 2023.04.01
- Dr. Hiroaki Sukegawa was inaugurated as a group leader of the Spintronics Group.
- 2022.01.24
- A paper entitled "Enhanced tunnel magnetoresistance in Fe/Mg4Al-Ox/Fe(001) magnetic tunnel junctions" published in Applied Physics Letters by T. Scheike, a previous post-doc researcher and H. Sukegawa, Principal Researcher in Spintronics Group, et al. has been selected as an Editor's Pick of Applied Physics Letters.(Open access)
- https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0082715
- 2021.12.21
- A review paper by Dr. Seiji Mitani and Dr. Hiroaki Sukegawa et al. has been selected as "STAM Altmetrics Award 2021".
- Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. Vol. 22 (2021) pp. 235-271
- 2021.04.01
- Dr. Seiji Mitani was inaugurated as Director of the center.
- 2021.02.01
- A paper by Dr. Thomas Scheike et al. published Appl. Phys. Lett. has been selected as a Featured Article and published as a news article of American Institute of Physics research highlight “Scilight.
- Thomas Scheike et al., "Exceeding 400% tunnel magnetoresistance at room temperature in epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe(001) spin-valve-type magnetic tunnel junctions", Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 042411 (2021).
- 2020.12.04
- Dr. Hiroaki Sukegawa recieved the "AUMS Young Researcher Award" by Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (AUMS). The award is given to a researcher who has made outstanding achievements in the areas of magnetism, magnetic materials and their applications.
- 2020.04.07
- Dr. Hiroaki Sukegawa recieved the "Young Scientists' Award 2020" by MEXT (The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).
- 2018.03.23
- Mr. Qingyi Xiang, Ph.D. student in Spintronics Group, received the "JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award" and "English Presentation Award of JSAP's Professional Group of Spintoronics" at the 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2018.
- 2017.09.21
- Dr. Hiroaki Sukegawa won the "MSJ Outstanding Research Award".
- 2017.03.22
- A paper entitled "MgGa2O4 spinel barrier for magnetic tunnel junctions: coherent tunneling and low barrier height" published in Applied Physics Letters by Dr. Hiroaki Sukegawa et al. has been selected as AIP journal highlights and news released in "AIP Publishing in the News" by American Institute of Physics.