Change log

Change Log

Release of pyZMultiPlot ver.0.9

15 April 2023
Release on new version of pyZMultiPlot. Save and load data function is implemented.

Release of pyZwx ver. 1.1

16 February 2023
Release on new version of pyZwx. Bug fixed on delta Z axes. New function to save frame sizes and positions you want. Please check the Change.log bundled in

Operation test of pyZwx on Ubuntu22.04-LTS-Desktop installed in Rasberry Pi 4 Model B, and upload its binary

15 July 2022
In under development page, I introduced a operation test of pyZwx on Ubuntu22.04-LTS-Desktop installed in Rasberry Pi 4 Model B. In addition, binary pyZwx freezing at the above circumstance is uploaded.

Release of pyZwx ver. 1.0.3

18 January 2022
Bug fixed pyZwx ver. 1.0.3 is uploaded. Thanks for the bug reports by one user.

Upgrade of the libraries contains in pyZwx.

22 November 2021
Upgrade of the library versions:
Matplotlib ver. 3.3.3 => 3.5.0
lmfit ver. 1.0.1 => 1.0.3
Scipy ver. 1.5.4 => 1.7.2
Numpy ver. 1.19.3 => 1.21.4

Upload bug fixed pyZwx file

November 18, 2021
Bug fixed pyZwx file is uploaded.

FAQs are added on contact page.

May 13, 2021
FAQs are added on contact page.

Zipped files of pyZwx ver.1.0 and pyZMultiPlot ver0.8 have been uploaded on the following repositories.
Release of pyZwx ver. 1.0 and pyZMultiPlot ver. 0.8!
January 22, 2021
New version of pyZwx and new software, pyZMultiPlot ver. 0.8 are released.
Initial guess support function is implemented in pyZwx.
pyZMultiPlot is a spectra data viewer. This software can display multiple spectrum data.

Update of this web page

December 11, 2020
Update of the top page.
Equation in "User Guide" page is changed into TeX type.
Addition of demonstration picture of new software for data visualization.

Release of pyZwx ver. 0.6 rev. 2

Incorrect element error outputs when some type of circuit inputs the EQC editor. This bug is fixed by pyZwx ver 0.6 rev.2. Please download new file.

Addition of "Impedance and complex permittivity" section in "Basic of analysis" page.

Mathematical relationships are explained among impedance, admittance, complex permittivity, and complex electric modulus.

Addition of "Data structure of impedance and its display method by graphs" section in "Basic of analysis" page.

Impedance data structure and preferable graph display were explained.

Make "Demonstration movie" page

Demonstration movies were uploaded. Please check those after download and unzip. <hr></hr>

Addition of "Equivalent circuit" section in "Basic of analysis" page.

Explanation of equivalent circuit was added. The explanation is a little bit different from conventional one.

Addition of "Basics of analysis" page.

Basics of analysis page was added. Explanations about basics of impedance, decompressed semicircle shaped spectrum on the basis of mathematics, and so on were contained.

Revise the user guide

Several explanations were added for use of equivalent circuit editor.

pyZwx was briefly introduced at NIMS new technology presentation!

pyZwx was briefly introduced at NIMS new technology presentation!.

pyZwx ver. 0.6 was released, and the website was opened.

pyZwx Icon
pyZwx, free software for electrochemical impedance analysis, was released and the website was opened.
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