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ConferenceConference 2016

The 2nd Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Nanospace Materials

Date 17 Dec, 2016 - 18 Dec, 2016
(8 Dec, 2016 Update)

Poster image

The 2nd Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Nanospace Materials

Focusing on the research field of Nanospace Materials, this workshop aims at further development of the scientific and technological exchange between Japan and Taiwan, inviting top-level scientists from both countries to present the latest research topics for two days. This workshop will be co-sponsored by Department of Innovation Research, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and The World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI).

The 1st Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Nanospace Materials was held at the Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT) in Japan on 11-12 March, 2014. The 1st International Conference on Nanospace Materials "from fundamental to Advanced Applications" was held at the National Taiwan University in Taiwan on 23-25 June, 2015.

List of the invited speakers for the workshop:

  • Watcharop Chaikittisilp (The University of Tokyo)
  • Sunao Kamimura (Kyushu institute of technology / JST-PRESTO)
  • Chia-Her Lin (Chung-Yuan Christian University)
  • Kazuhiro Shikinaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
  • Kohji Ohno (Kyoto University)
  • Shiao-Wei Kuo (National Sun Yat-Sen University)
  • Tomohiko Okada (Shinshu University)
  • Tatsuya Nishimura (Kanazawa University)
  • Yu-Te Liao (National Taiwan University / NIMS / University of Wollongong)
  • Dai Mochizuki (Shinshu University)
  • Youn Soo Kim (The University of Tokyo / CEMS / NIMS)
  • Minoru Sohmiya (Waseda University)
  • Yi-Hsin Liu (National Taiwan Normal University / National Taiwan University)
  • Teruyuki Nakato (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
  • Fa-Kuen Shieh (National Central University / NIMS / National Taiwan University / Boston College)
  • Kevin C. W. Wu (National Taiwan University)
  • Tatsuo Kimura (AIST)
  • Kuo-Chuan Ho (National Taiwan University)
  • Nobuyoshi Miyamoto (Fukuoka Institute of Technology)

  • Organizing Committee

  • Chair: Tatsuo Kimura (AIST)
  • Vice-Chair: Kevin C.-W. Wu (National Taiwan University)
  • Secretary: Yusuke Yamauchi (University of Wollongong)
  • Program: Teruyuki Nakato (KIT)
  • Program: Nobuyoshi Miyamoto (FIT)
  • Program: Katsuhiko Ariga (NIMS)
  • Program: Minoru Osada (NIMS)
  • Program: Kuo-Chuan Ho (National Taiwan University)
  • Program: Fa-Kuen Shieh (National Central University)
  • Treasurer: Yusuke Ide (NIMS)

  • Date December 17-18, 2016
    Venue Auditorium, WPI-MANA 1F (DIRECTION)
    Program Download
    Registration japan-taiwan2016=ml.nims.go.jp (Please change "=" to "@")
    Registration fee The regular fee (USD 300) covers the reception, technical sessions and materials, and banquet.
    The registration fee of invited speakers and accompanying people (students & researchers) is free.
    Banquet USD 45 (JPY 4500) On 17 Dec., 2016, the banquet will start from 19:00.

    Call for poster presentation

    You are invited to submit the abstract to be considered for the presentation. The presentation session will be held on December 17-18, 2016. You may submit the abstract (including title, authors’ affiliations and addresses, the corresponding author's e-mail). The body of your abstract should have no more than 300 words. We expect to present approximately 30 presentations at the workshop venue.

    Poster Abstract submission due: November 30, 2016
    Submit to: japan-taiwan2016=ml.nims.go.jp (Please change "=" to "@")


    Yusuke Ide
    National Institute for Materials Science

    Yusuke Yamauchi
    Univ. of Wollongong
    japan-taiwan2016=ml.nims.go.jp (Please change "=" to "@")

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