Award 2017
Dr. Liwen Sang, MANA Independent Scientist Wins the Corbett Prize at ICDS 2017 Conference
Scene from the award ceremony for
“The Corbett Prize”
Dr. Liwen Sang, MANA Independent Scientist won the Corbett Prize at the 29th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS) 2017 held in Matsue city, Shimane prefecture, Japan from July 31st to August 4th.
The Corbett Prize is awarded to a young scientist for an outstanding contribution given at the ICDS. It consists of a monetary prize and a prize certificate signed by the conference chairs. The prize is named in memory of James W. Corbett (1994), one of the pioneers in the field of defects in semiconductors, who always helped and encouraged young researchers. The prize has been awarded at every ICDS since 1995.
The Corbett Prize is awarded to a young scientist for an outstanding contribution given at the ICDS. It consists of a monetary prize and a prize certificate signed by the conference chairs. The prize is named in memory of James W. Corbett (1994), one of the pioneers in the field of defects in semiconductors, who always helped and encouraged young researchers. The prize has been awarded at every ICDS since 1995.