論文リスト 2014年

論文リスト 2014年

* The articles written in black are Original Papers, those indicated in green are Review Papers or Book Chapters. The articles written in grey are Conference Proceedings.

Magnetic Materials:

  1. Faceted shell structure in grain boundary diffusion-processed sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets
    U.M.R. Seelam, T. Ohkubo, T. Abe, S. Hirosawa, K. Hono, J. Alloys Comp. 617, 884 - 892 (2014).

  2. All-optical control of ferromagnetic thin films and nanostructures
    C-H. Lambert, S. Mangin, B. S. D. Ch. S. Varaprasad, Y. K. Takahashi, M. Hehn, M. Cinchetti, G. Malinowski, K. Hono, Y. Fainman, M. Aeschlimann, E. E. Fullerton, Science 345, 1337 (2014).

  3. Micromagnetic simulations on the grain size dependence of coercivity in anisotropic Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets
    H. Sepehri-Amin, T. Ohkubo, M. Gruber, T. Schrefl, K. Hono, Scr. Mater. 89, 29 - 32 (2014).

  4. Microstructure and magnetic properties of FePt-TiC-C granular thin films for perpendicular recording
    W.B. Cui, B.S.D.Ch.S. Varaprasad, Y.K. Takahashi, T. Shiroyama, K. Hono, Sol. Sta. Commun. 182, 17-21 (2014).

  5. ジスプロシウムを使わない高保磁力ネオジム磁石に向けて
    宝野和博, 工業材料 62, 27-32 (2014).

  6. Mechanism of coercivity enhancement by Ag addition in FePt-C granular films for heat assisted magnetic recording media
    B. S. D. Ch. S. Varaprasad, Y. K. Takahashi, J. Wang, T. Ina, T. Nakamura, W. Ueno, K. Nitta, T. Uruga and K. Hono, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 222403 (2014).

  7. Microstructure evolution of hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B anisotropic magnets
    J. Liu, H. Sepehri-Amin, T. Ohkubo, K. Hioki, A. Hattori, and K. Hono, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17A744 (2014).

  8. Magnetism of ultrathin intergranular boundary regions in Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets
    Y. Murakami, T. Tanigaki, T.T. Sasaki, Y. Takeno, H.S. Park, T. Matsuda, T. Ohkubo, K. Hono, D. Shindo, Acta Mater. 71, 370 - 379 (2014).

  9. High-coercivity hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets processed by Nd-Cu eutectic diffusion under expansion constraint
    T. Akiya, J. Liu, H. Sepehri-Amin, T. Ohkubo, K. Hioki, A. Hattori, K. Hono, Scr. Mater. 81, 48 - 51 (2014).

  10. Low temperature diffusion process using rare earth-Cu eutectic alloys for hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B bulk magnets
    T. Akiya, J. Liu, H. Sepehri-Amin, T. Ohkubo, K. Hioki, A. Hattori and K. Hono, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17A766 (2014).

  11. Microstructure and magnetic properties of FePt-Cr2O3 films
    Shiroyama, T., Varaprasad, B.S.D.C.S., Takahashi, Y.K., Hono, K., IEEE Trans. Magn. 50, 6971612 (2014).

  12. Microstructural and magnetic properties study of Fe–P rolled sheet alloys
    S. Jafari, A. Beitollahi, B. EftekhariYekta, Keiu Kanada, T. Ohkubo, R. Gopalan, Giselher Herzer, K. Hono, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 358-359, 38-43 (2014).

Spintronic Materials:

  1. Tunnel magnetoresistance and spin-transfer-torque switching in polycrystalline Co2FeAl full-Heusler alloy magnetic tunnel junctions on Si/SiO2 amorphous substrates
    Z. C. Wen, H. Sukegawa, S. Kasai, K. Inomata and S. Mitani, Phys. Rev. Appl. 2, 024009 (2014).

  2. Interface control of the magnetic chirality in CoFeB/MgO heterostructures with heavy-metal underlayers
    J. Torrejon, J. Kim. J. Sinha, S. Mitani, M. Hayashi, M. Yamanouchi and H. Ohno, Nature Commun. 5, 4655-1-8 (2014).

  3. A 4-fold-symmetry hexagonal ruthenium for magnetic heterostructures exhibiting enhanced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and tunnel magnetoresistance
    Z. C. Wen, H. Sukegawa, T. Furubayashi, J. W. Koo, K. Inomata, S. Mitani, J. P. Hadorn, T. Ohkubo and K. Hono, Adv. Mater. 26, 6483-6490 (2014).

  4. Interface perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Fe/MgAl2O4 layered structures
    J. W. Koo, H. Sukegawa and S. Mitani, Phys. Status Solidi RRL 8, 841-844 (2014).

  5. Post-oxidized Mg-Al-O(001) coherent tunneling barrier in a wide range of resistance-area products
    H. Sukegawa, K. Inomata and S. Mitani, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 092403 (2014).

  6. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at the interface between ultrathin Fe film and MgO studied by angular-dependent X-ray magnetic circular dichroism
    J. Okabayashi, J.W. Koo, H. Sukegawa, S. Mitani, Y. Takagi and T. Yokoyama, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 122408-1-5 (2014).

  7. Switching of magnetic vortex core in elliptical disk by nanosecond field pulse
    K. Yamada, T. Sato, Y. Nakatani, S. Kasai, D. Chiba, K. Kobayashi, A. Thiaville, T. Ono, Appl. Phys. Express 7, 063008 (2014).

  8. Spin injection and detection in a graphene lateral spin valve using an yttrium-oxide tunneling barrier
    K. Komatsu, S. Kasai, S.-L. Li, S. Nakaharai, N. Mitoma, M. Yamamoto and K. Tsukagoshi, Appl. Phys. Express 7, 085101 (2014).

  9. Current-driven gyro tropic mode of a magnetic vortex as a nonisochronous auto-oscillator
    F. Sanches, V. Tiberkevich, K. Y. Guslienco, J. Sinha, M. Hayashi, O. Prokopenko, A. N. Slavin, Phys. Rev. B 89, 140410 (2014).

  10. Detection of a symmetric circular gyration of the vortex core via the second-order harmonic magnetoresistance oscillation
    S. Sugimoto, N. Hasegawa, Y. Niimi, Y. Fukuma, S. Kasai and Y. Otani, Appl. Phys. Express 7, 023006 (2014).

  11. Quantitative characterization of the spin-orbit torque using harmonic Hall voltage measurements
    M. Hayashi, J. Kim, M. Yamanouchi and H. Ohno, Phys. Rev. B 89, 144425 (2014).

  12. Anomalous temperature dependence of current-induced torques in CoFeB/MgO heterostructures with Ta-based underlayers
    J. Kim, J. Sinha, S. Mitani, M. Hayashi, S. Takahashi, S. Maekawa, M. Yamanouchi, H. Ohno, Phys. Rev. B 89, 174424 (2014).

  13. Synthesis of porous iron oxide microspheres by a double hydrophilic block copolymer
    B. P. Bastakoti, H. Sukegawa, K. C. W. Wu and Y. Yamauchi, RSC Advances 4, 9986 (2014).

  14. Direct Synthesis of MOF-Derived Nanoporous Carbon with Magnetic Co Nanoparticles toward Efficient Water Treatment
    N. L. Torad, M. Hu, S. Ishihara, H. Sukegawa, A. A. Belik, M. Imura, K. Ariga, Y. Sakka and Y. Yamauchi, Small 10, 2096 (2014).

  15. Magnetotransport properties in perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions using an ultrathin Fe electrode
    J. W. Koo, H. Sukegawa, S. Kasai, Z. C. Wen, S. Mitani, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 322001 (2014).

  16. Crystal orientation dependence of current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistance of pseudo spin-valves with epitaxial Co2Fe(Ge0.5Ga0.5) Heusler alloy layers
    Jiamin Chen, Songtian Li, T. Furubayashi, Y. K. Takahashi and K. Hono, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 233905 (2014).

  17. Magneto-transport and microstructure of Co2Fe(Ga0.5Ge0.5)/Cu lateral spin valves prepared by top-down microfabrication process
    Ikhtiar, S. Kasai, A. Itoh, Y. K. Takahashi, T. Ohkubo, S. Mitani and K. Hono, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 173912 (2014).

  18. Quantitative analysis of anisotropic magnetoresistance in Co2MnZ and Co2FeZ epitaxial thin films: A facile way to investigate spin-polarization in half-metallic Heusler compounds
    Y. Sakuraba, S. Kokado, Y. Hirayama, T. Furubayashi, H. Sukegawa, S. Li, Y. K. Takahashi, and K. Hono, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 172407 (2014).

  19. Anomalous temperature dependence of current-induced torques in CoFeB/MgO heterostructures with Ta-based underlayers
    J. Kim, J. Sinha, S. Mitani, M. Hayashi, S. Takahashi, S. Maekawa, M. Yamanouch and H. Ohno, Phys. Rev. B 89, 174424-1-8 (2014).

  20. Effect of an interface Mg insertion layer on the reliability of a magnetic tunnel junction based on a Co2FeAl full-Heusler alloy
    J.-M. Lee, G. H. Kil, G. H. Lee, C. M. Choi, Y.-H. Song, H. Sukegawa and S. Mitani, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 64, 1144-1149 (2014).

  21. Thermal engineering of non-local resistance in lateral spin valves
    S. Kasai, S. Hirayama, Y. K. Takahashi, S. Mitani, K. Hono, H. Adachi, J. Ieda and S. Maekawa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 162410 (2014).

  22. Thickness dependence of spin torque ferromagnetic resonance in Co75Fe25/Pt bilayer films
    A. Ganguly, K. Kondou, H. Sukegawa, S. Mitani, S. Kasai, Y. Niimi, Y. Otani and A. Barman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 072405-1-5 (2014).

  23. Modulation of effective damping constant using spin Hall effect
    S. Kasai, K. Kondou, H. Sukegawa, S. Mitani, K. Tsukagoshi and Y. Otani, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 092408-1-3 (2014).

  24. Effect of pressure and ion beam irradiation on the giant magnetoresistance of Fe/Cr magnetic multilayers
    G. Oomi, T. Yayoi, T. Nakano, K. Saito, K. Takanashi, S. Mitani, A. Kohno, K. Sagara, IEEE Trans. Magn. 50, 1500304-1-4 (2014).
  25. High spin polarization in CoFeMnGe equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloy
    Lakhan Bainsla, K. G. Suresh, A. K. Nigam, M. Manivel Raja, B. S. D. Ch. S. Varaprasad, Y. K. Takahashi and K. Hono, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 203902 (2014).

  26. Lattice-matched magnetic tunnel junctions using a Heusler alloy Co2FeAl and a cation-disorder spinel Mg-Al-O barrier
    Thomas Scheike, Hiroaki Sukegawa, Takao Furubayashi, Zhenchao Wen, Koichiro Inomata, Tadakatsu Ohkubo, Kazuhiro Hono and Seiji Mitani, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 242407 (2014).

    H. Sukegawa, Z. C. Wen, S. Kasai, K. Inomata, S. Mitani, SPIN 4, 144023 (2014).

Nanostructure Analysis:

  1. Solute clustering and grain boundary segregation in extruded dilute Mg-Gd alloys
    J.P. Hadorn, T.T. Sasaki, T. Nakata, T. Ohkubo, S. Kamado, K. Hono, Scr. Mater. 93, 28 - 31 (2014).

  2. High strength and formable Mg-6.2Zn-0.5Zr-0.2Ca alloy sheet processed by twin roll casting
    T. Bhattacharjee, B.-C Suh, T.T. Sasaki, T. Ohkubo, N.J. Kim, K. Hono, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 609, 154-160 (2014).

  3. Enhancing the high temperature plasticity of a Cu-containing austenitic stainless steel through grain boundary strengthening
    Singh, G., Hong, S.-M., Oh-ishi, K., Hono, K., Fleury, E., Ramamurty, U., Mater. Sci. Eng. A 602, 77 - 88 (2014).

  4. Laser-assisted atom probe tomography of 18O-enriched oxide thin film for quantitative analysis of oxygen
    T. Kinno, M. Tomita, T. Ohkubo, S. Takeno, K. Hono, Appl. Sur. Sci. 290, 194-198 (2014).
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