NIMS大学院プログラム - NIMS Graduate Program -
NIMS has collaborative agreements with several universities, in terms of providing research and training opportunities to postgraduate students. Based on the agreements, NIMS researchers supervise those university postgraduate students towards obtaining degrees. Many of our program alumni with degrees awarded by the universities have their careers in materials science.
NIMS大学院プログラムとは? -What's NIMS Graduate Program?-
桜庭 裕弥 / Yuya SAKURABA
材料のブレークスルーは世界を一変させる力を持っています。磁性材料は既に社会に広く浸透した材料ですが、新規なスピン機能やナノ構造に基づいた大きな未踏の可能性を 秘めています。NIMSの世界屈指の研究環境で、多くの専門性を持つ仲間とともに、未知なる材料とデバイスの開拓を楽しみましょう。
Message to prospective students:
Breakthroughs in materials have the power to revolutionize the world. Magnetic materials are already widely used in society, but they have great unexplored potential based on novel spin functions and nanostructures. Let's enjoy exploring unknown materials and devices in the world-class research environment of NIMS with our colleagues who have many different specialties.
担当コース:筑波大学 数理物質科学研究群