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NewsNews 2019

Akihiro Okamoto, Independent Scientist Appeared in "NIMS NOW International"

11 Dec, 2019
(11 Dec, 2019 Update)

Akihiro Okamoto, Independent Scientist appeared in the latest issue of "NIMS NOW International" (Vol.17 No.6).

Unmasking iron-rusting bacteria

reseacher's photo

Akihiro Okamoto

Rusting of steel pipelines used for oil extraction causes an enormous damage and environmental pollution.
The mechanism of steel corrosion by bacteria (sulfuric acid-reducing fungi) has been a longstanding mystery, but finally it has been revealed.
Akihiro Okamoto, the first person in the world to reveal this mystery, explains.
(Pages 13-15)

NIMS NOW International

NIMS NOW International cover image

2020 - Vol.17 No.6
“Advanced Rust Research —From artificial intelligence to bacteria—”

(11 Dec. 2019)

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